Costume Designer, Designer, Set Designer
Designer 1993
Set Designer, Costume Designer 1993
Costume Designer, Set Designer 1990
Designer 1984
Set Designer, Costume Designer 1983
Costume Designer 1982
Designer 1982
Designer 1981
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Not About Heroes and 3 others
David Murray
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney) and 3 others
Stuart Greenbaum
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney) and 2 others
Malcolm Robertson
Worked with on Peach Melba and 2 others
Stephen Sewell
Fred Wallace
Worked with on The Butterflies of Kalimantan and 2 others
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on The Butterflies of Kalimantan and 1 other
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney) and 1 other
Ron Challinor
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea and 1 other
Carrillo Gantner
Worked with on Not About Heroes and 1 other
Daphne Grey
Ron Haddrick
Kevin Harrington
Sue Jones
Alan Knoepfler
Armando Licul
Elise McCredie
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Melbourne) and 1 other
Jillian Murray
George Ogilvie
Colin Orchard
Worked with on A Life in the Theatre and 1 other
Dina Panozzo
Jill Smith
Robert Taylor
Linda Aitken
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Melbourne)
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on A Life in the Theatre
Hayley Barberis
David Bonney
Worked with on Peach Melba
Ken Boucher
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night
Robynne Bourne
Adam Briscomb
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea
Blair Broadhurst
Lauren Brooks
David Cameron
Jennifer Claire
Worked with on The Butterflies of Kalimantan
Graham Clarke
Maria Cleary
Debbie Cumming
Jon Davey
Jemma Doliniec
Cliff Ellen
Stewart Faichney
Gary Files
Robert Forza
John Francis
Clem Gorman
Worked with on A Night in the Arms of Raeleen
Nigel Green
Robin Hall
John Higginson
Courtney Kieler
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney)
Sondrene Kieler
Karl Kish
Lenka Kripac
John Larking
Peter Locke
Stephen MacDonald
Worked with on Not About Heroes
David Mamet
Monica Maughan
Andrew McKaige
Teresa McMenomy
Deb Munn
Ross Murray
Robyn Nevin
Patrick Nolan
Helen Noonan
Louis Nowra
Roger Oakley
Eugene O'Neill
Peter Paulsen
Deborah Pelling
Beverley Phillips
Thérèse Radic
Marilyn Rodgers
Kristopher Steele
Anita Thompson
Ross Williams
John Wood
William Zappa
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