Playwright, Director, Writer
Writer 2001
Playwright 1994
Playwright 1992
Playwright 1987
Playwright 1983
Playwright 1982
Playwright, Director 1982
Playwright 1981
Playwright 1980
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Royboys and 3 others
William Gluth
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas and 3 others
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on Graeme King Lear and 2 others
John Beckett
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 2 others
Sandra Matlock
Worked with on Lonely Lennie Lower and 2 others
Robert Taylor
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 1 other
Robin Cuming
Worked with on Interrogation of Angel and 1 other
Billie Hammerberg
Worked with on Royboys and 1 other
Cheryl Heazlewood
Stuart McKenzie
Ross Murray
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas and 1 other
Colin Orchard
Gary Samolin
Jill Smith
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on A Couple of Broken Hearts
Melanie Beddie
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan
Faye Bendrups
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas
Anna Borghesi
Worked with on The Prodigal Son / Insouciance
Robynne Bourne
Don Bridges
Syd Brisbane
Blair Broadhurst
John Brumpton
George Butrumlis
Michael Carman
Ron Challinor
Worked with on Royboys
Maria Cleary
Tom Considine
Rex Cramphorn
Jim Daly
Sue Dance
Worked with on The Death of Minnie
Eamon D'Arcy
Laura Doheny
Cliff Ellen
Luke Elliot
Michele Forbes
Jan Friedl
Kim Gelvin-Melville
Lynda Gibson
Trevlyn Gilmour
Worked with on Graeme King Lear
Neill Gladwin
Peter Green
Kim Gyngell
Tom Healey
Edward Hepple
Jack Hibberd
Yvonne Hockey
Paul Jackson
Russell Kiefel
Karl Kish
Worked with on Lonely Lennie Lower
Peter Labza
Wilfred Last
Tony Mack
Jay Mannering
Tammy McCarthy
John McDowall
Mark Minchinton
Dennis Moore
Deb Munn
Mikkel Mynster
Derek Nicholson
Gerry Nixon
Marie Orchard
Annie O'Shannessey
Peter Oyston
Robert Perrier
Dan Persse
Claire Reid
Brian Reynolds
Malcolm Robertson
Ivan Smith Romero
Daniel Schlusser
James Shuter
Greg Sneddon
Katherine Spence
Phil Sumner
Ross Thompson
Helen Thomson
Darrin Verhagen
Tracy Watt
Fred Whitlock
Roderick Williams
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