Actor, Devisor
Actor, Devisor 2016
Actor, Devisor 2010
Actor 2008
Actor 2003
Actor 2001
Heather Bolton
Worked with on Come Away with Me to the End of the World and 2 others
Adriano Cortese
Raimondo Cortese
J. David Franzke
Patrick Moffatt
Paul Lum
Worked with on Intimacy (2010) and 1 other
Anna Tregloan
Alessandra Barone
Worked with on Come Away with Me to the End of the World
Martin Blum
Worked with on The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark
Alyson Brown
Worked with on God's Last Acre
Rachel Burke
Zoe Burton
Worked with on St Kilda Tales
Stephen Clements
Natasha Colangelo
Robert Daoud
Ditch Davey
Liza Dennis
Worked with on Intimacy (2010)
Meg Deyell
Tania Dionisio
Isaac Drandich
Luke Elliot
Nell Feeney
Adam Gardnir
Lucia Gareffa
Shane Grant
Harriet Gregory
Shaun Gurton
Alison Halit
Belinda Hellier
Peter Houghton
John Francis Howard
Sue Jones
Guy Kable
Erin Lambie
Evan Lawson
Armando Licul
Keri Light
Brian Lipson
Jo Lloyd
Christina Mananis
Alex Ben Mayor
Robert Morgan
Franz Moritz
Genevieve Morris
Callum Morton
Arlo Mountford
Steve Mouzakis
Adrian Mulraney
Torquil Neilson
Merfyn Owen
Niklas Pajanti
Glenn Perry
Richard Pyros
Aleks Radovic
Oscar Redding
Matthew Robinson
Govin Ruben
Judy Rutherford
William Shakespeare
Vincenzo De Simone
Joseph Sirianni
Rob Stewart
Alistair Stobo
Shane Thornton
Samantha Tolj
Kelly Tracey
Ourania Vassis
Rosa Voto
Vivienne Walshe
George Webech
Ari Wegner
Mark Leonard Winter
Thomas Wright
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