Bojana Novakovic

Bojana Novakovic

Actor, Adaptor

Shows worked on

Bojana Novakovic has worked with...

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Woyzeck and 2 others

Anna Cordingley

Anna Cordingley

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself and 1 other

Hamish Michael

Hamish Michael

Worked with on Woyzeck and 1 other

Tim Rogers

Tim Rogers

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself and 1 other

Anna Tregloan

Anna Tregloan

Worked with on Criminology and 1 other

Dan Witton

Dan Witton

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself and 1 other

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing) and 1 other

Simon Burke

Simon Burke

Worked with on Woyzeck

Jackson Ackers

Worked with on Woyzeck

Benedict Andrews

Benedict Andrews

Worked with on Eldorado

Iopu Auva'a

Iopu Auva'a

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Dann Barber

Dann Barber

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Andy Baylor

Andy Baylor

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself

Josh Bell

Josh Bell

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Claire Bourke

Claire Bourke

Worked with on Woyzeck

Annie Bourke

Annie Bourke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tony Briggs

Tony Briggs

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Peter Brundle

Peter Brundle

Worked with on Criminology

Georg Buchner

Georg Buchner

Worked with on Woyzeck

Tyallah Bullock

Tyallah Bullock

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Mitchell Butel

Mitchell Butel

Worked with on Woyzeck

Johnny Carr

Johnny Carr

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Amy Cater

Amy Cater

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Nick Cave

Nick Cave

Worked with on Woyzeck

Gemma Cavoli

Gemma Cavoli

Worked with on Criminology

Jing-Xuan Chan

Jing-Xuan Chan

Worked with on Criminology

Marco Chiappi

Marco Chiappi

Worked with on Woyzeck

Jessica Clarke

Jessica Clarke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Peter Corrigan

Peter Corrigan

Worked with on Woyzeck

Jim Daly

Jim Daly

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Alice Darling

Alice Darling

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Campion Decent

Campion Decent

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself

Richard Dinnen

Richard Dinnen

Worked with on Criminology

Rashidi Edward

Rashidi Edward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Warren Ellis

Warren Ellis

Worked with on Woyzeck

Peter Farnan

Peter Farnan

Worked with on Woyzeck

Justin Gardam

Justin Gardam

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Gisli Orn Gardarsson

Gisli Orn Gardarsson

Worked with on Woyzeck

Luke George

Luke George

Worked with on Criminology

Tanya Goldberg

Tanya Goldberg

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself

Louise Gough

Louise Gough

Worked with on Criminology

Lyndall Grant

Lyndall Grant

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tanith Harley

Tanith Harley

Worked with on Woyzeck

Zinnie Harris

Zinnie Harris

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Sally Hitchcock

Sally Hitchcock

Worked with on Eldorado

Ethan Hunter

Ethan Hunter

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Gillian Jones

Gillian Jones

Worked with on Eldorado

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Michael Kantor

Michael Kantor

Worked with on Woyzeck

Lally Katz

Lally Katz

Worked with on Criminology

Hartley T.A. Kemp

Hartley T.A. Kemp

Worked with on The Story of Mary MacLane By Herself

Lucy Kennedy

Lucy Kennedy

Worked with on Criminology

Chris Kohn

Chris Kohn

Worked with on Criminology

Xani Kolac

Xani Kolac

Worked with on Woyzeck

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on Eldorado

Ruth Little

Worked with on Woyzeck

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Max Lyandvert

Max Lyandvert

Worked with on Eldorado

Maryanne Lynch

Maryanne Lynch

Worked with on Woyzeck

Simon Maiden

Simon Maiden

Worked with on Criminology

Marius von Mayenburg

Marius von Mayenburg

Worked with on Eldorado

Robert Menzies

Robert Menzies

Worked with on Eldorado

Rebecca Moore

Rebecca Moore

Worked with on Criminology

Chris More

Chris More

Worked with on Criminology

Rosemary Myers

Rosemary Myers

Worked with on Criminology

Lisa Osborn

Lisa Osborn

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Rosemary Osmond

Rosemary Osmond

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Socratis Otto

Socratis Otto

Worked with on Woyzeck

Merfyn Owen

Merfyn Owen

Worked with on Woyzeck

Ryan Paine

Worked with on Woyzeck

Luke  Ryan

Luke Ryan

Worked with on Criminology

Hazem Shammas

Hazem Shammas

Worked with on Criminology

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on Eldorado

Samantha Tolj

Samantha Tolj

Worked with on Criminology

Alison Whyte

Alison Whyte

Worked with on Eldorado

Tom Willis

Tom Willis

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

David Woods

David Woods

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Worked with on Criminology

Izabella Yena

Izabella Yena

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Maja Zade

Worked with on Eldorado

Marline Zaibak

Marline Zaibak

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)