Set and/or Property Maker, Carpenter, Cooper, Stage Manager
Set and/or Property Maker, Carpenter, Cooper 1981
Set and/or Property Maker, Carpenter, Cooper 1980
Stage Manager 1980
Yvonne Hockey
Worked with on Letters Home and 2 others
John Beckett
Worked with on Letters Home and 1 other
Murray Copland
Robert Gebert
Sandra Matlock
Judith McGrath
Worked with on Wings and 1 other
Joseph Spano
John Arnold
Worked with on Buried Child
Suzanne Baron
Worked with on Wings
Axel Bartz
Worked with on Letters Home
Nancy Black
Julia Blake
Worked with on Outside Edge
Christine Calcutt
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on The Greatest Man on Earth
Ron Challinor
Kirsty Child
Geoffrey Clendon
Peter Corrigan
Robin Cuming
Lindy Davies
Ken Evans
Gary Files
Carrillo Gantner
William Gluth
Rose Leiman Goldemberg
Richard Harris
Peter Harvey
Bill Hawtin
Larry Held
Henrik Ibsen
Sue Jones
Patricia Kennedy
Arthur Kopit
Nigel Levings
Richard Mackay-Sollay
Robbie McGregor
Gerhard Metz
Di Misirdjieff
Joy Mitchell
Sean Myers
Gerda Nicolson
Roger Oakley
Richard Prins
Roger Pulvers
Malcolm Robertson
Sam Shepard
Jill Smith
Michele Stayner
Rosie Stone
Tanya Uren
Nick Waters
Ross Williams
John Wood
James Wright
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