Actor, Director, Adaptor
Director, Adaptor 2004
Director 2004
Director 2002
Director, Actor 2000
Director 1999
Director 1997
Director 1996
Director 1995
Director 1994
Director 1993
Director 1992
Actor 1977
Glenn Hughes
Worked with on Julia 3 and 9 others
Judith Cobb
Worked with on The Simple Truth and 8 others
Michael Gurr
Worked with on Julia 3 and 6 others
Andrew Pendlebury
Worked with on Julia 3 and 4 others
Jill Smith
Worked with on A Return to the Brink and 4 others
Simon Wilton
Stuart Greenbaum
Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet and 3 others
Armando Licul
Tammy McCarthy
Worked with on Jerusalem and 3 others
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on Pacific Union and 3 others
Robert Taylor
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Pacific Union and 2 others
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on Jerusalem and 2 others
Anthony Wong
Worked with on Sex Diary of an Infidel (1993 - Tour) and 2 others
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on The Simple Truth and 1 other
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on Crazy Brave and 1 other
Marco Chiappi
Worked with on Jerusalem and 1 other
Gary Day
Worked with on Slick and 1 other
Paul English
Fiona de Garis
Kevin Harrington
Worked with on Sex Diary of an Infidel (1993 - Tour) and 1 other
Paul Lum
Roger Oakley
Greg Stone
Worked with on Julia 3 and 1 other
James Wardlaw
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on The Call
Bryony Anderson
Worked with on Love Suicides
Robbie Ates
Worked with on Julia 3
Lachlan A'vard
Worked with on Sex Diary of an Infidel (1993 - Tour)
Graeme Blundell
Worked with on Hancock's Last Half Hour
Robynne Bourne
Worked with on Jerusalem
Celia de Burgh
Rachel Burke
Alexander Buzo
Worked with on Pacific Union
Josephine Byrnes
Worked with on The Simple Truth
Joanne Canning
David Chisholm
Brett Climo
Worked with on Crazy Brave
Angela Coffey
Nikki Coghill
Worked with on The Temple (1993)
Darryl Cordell
Peter Corrigan
Peter Curtin
Lewis Fiander
Worked with on A Return to the Brink
Kate Fitzpatrick
Martin Flanagan
David Franzke
Jan Friedl
Andrew S. Gilbert
Neill Gladwin
Sunchana Gogic
John Gregg
Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet
Kim Gyngell
Rodney Hall
Xenia Hanusiak
Tony Hawkins
Kate Herbert
John Hunt
Angus Ibbot
Nick Ilton
Asako Izawa
Richard Jeziorny
Jackie Kelleher
Christian Leavesley
Philip Lethlean
Mark Little
Todd MacDonald
Al Martinez
Rob Matson
Marnie McDonald
Marilyn Miller
Denis Moore
Robert Morgan
Deb Munn
Ross Murray
Peter Neville
Tiffany Noack
Louis Nowra
Satsuki Odamura
Miki Oikawa
Genevieve Picot
Michele Preshaw
Liz Pulham
John Romeril
Earle Rosas
Alex Schepisi
Glenn Shea
Christina Smith
Joseph Spano
Jeremy Stanford
Penelope Stewart
Ross Thompson
Fiona Todd
David Tredinnick
Yumi Umiumare
Elly Varrenti
Kerry Walker
Alison Whyte
Heathcote Williams
Naretha Williams
Peter J Wilson
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