Actor, Tour Manager
Tour Manager 1998
Actor 1995
Actor (from 31 July and tour) 1995
Actor 1994
Actor 1993
Actor 1992
Actor 1990
John Beckett
Worked with on The Head of Mary and 3 others
Carrillo Gantner
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 3 others
Stuart McKenzie
Jill Smith
Robert Taylor
Linda Aitken
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others
Matthew Crosby
Stuart Greenbaum
Melita Jurisic
Worked with on On the North Diversion Road and 2 others
Armando Licul
Worked with on Natural Life and 2 others
David Pledger
Ian Scott
William Shakespeare
Tony Bartuccio
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other
Jane Bayly
Anna Broinowski
Helen Buday
Worked with on The Head of Mary and 1 other
Rachel Burke
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995) and 1 other
Robert Hay
Tyrone Landau
Worked with on Natural Life and 1 other
Lech Mackiewicz
Aubrey Mellor
Caitlin Morris
Worked with on Modest Expectations and 1 other
Wenanty Nosul
Mark Pegler
David Allen
Worked with on Modest Expectations
Serge Aubry
Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth
Colin Batrouney
Worked with on Atlanta
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)
Graeme Blundell
John Bode
Worked with on Natural Life
Humphrey Bower
Nick Carrafa
Tanaka Chikao
Worked with on The Head of Mary
Alan Clarke
Peter Corrigan
Dan Cowles
Joanne Curry
Peter Curtin
Jim Daly
Suzi Darvill
Worked with on On the North Diversion Road
Cornelius Delaney
Laura Doheny
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)
Steve Douglas-Craig
Kerry Dwyer
Karen Flaherty
Louise Fox
Colin Friels
Petru Gheorghiu
Shaun Gurton
Nick Ilton
Leon Paul Ingulsrud
Michael Kantor
Terry Kenwrick
Victoria Knight
Tomek Koman
Ellen Lauren
Robert Lehrer
Balang T. E. Lewis
Joel Markham
Elizabeth Maywald
Louise McCarthy
Margie Medlin
Alex Menglet
Marina Milankovic
Katia Molino
Denis Moore
Nicol Morrow
Ross Murray
Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour)
Joanna Murray-Smith
Bruce Naylor
Caitlin Newton-Broad
John Nobbs
Louis Nowra
Gayl Nutley
Miki Oikawa
Marie Orchard
Nonon Padilla
Trina Parker
Tony Perez
Robin Ramsay
Malcolm Robertson
Jaime Robertson
Jamie Robertson
Ben Rogan
John Romeril
Deidre Rubenstein
Olivier Sidore
Greg Stone
Tadashi Suzuki
Jennie Tate
Karen Trott
Sioban Tuke
Paul Turner
Jo Turner
James Verdon
Pauline Webb
Kylie Webb
Michael Wren
Tom Wright
Ursula Yovich
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