Lighting Designer
Lighting Designer 1990
Lighting Designer 1989
Lighting Designer 1988
Lighting Designer 1987
Robert Taylor
Worked with on The Forty Lounge Cafe and 9 others
Jill Smith
Worked with on The Forty Lounge Cafe and 6 others
Richard Jeziorny
Worked with on The Forty Lounge Cafe and 4 others
Ross Murray
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Coralie Lansdowne Says No and 3 others
Geoff Hooke
Worked with on Steal Away Home / The Serpent's Fall and 2 others
Margaret Davis
Worked with on Reginka's Lesson and 1 other
Jenny Enilane
Worked with on Steal Away Home / The Serpent's Fall and 1 other
Shaun Gurton
Worked with on Coralie Lansdowne Says No and 1 other
Christine Hutchins
Worked with on Nice Girls and 1 other
Jillian Murray
Ken Schroder
Worked with on The Impostor and 1 other
Ross Williams
Lisa Armytage
Worked with on Coralie Lansdowne Says No
Linda Aronson
Worked with on Reginka's Lesson
Dalmazio Babare
Worked with on Cho Cho San (1987)
Christopher Barry
Worked with on Safe House
Mark Benson
Wendy Black
Robynne Bourne
Worked with on Nice Girls
Sue Bradley
Worked with on The Impostor
Claire de Bruin
Worked with on Steal Away Home / The Serpent's Fall
Alexander Buzo
Sarah Cathcart
Liddy Clark
Christopher Cole
Boris Conley
Wendy Couch
Gail Davidson
Simon Dennis
Joe Dolce
Terence Donovan
Christine Douglas
Robert Draffin
Worked with on The Forty Lounge Cafe
Beverley Dunn
Barbara Durward
Ron Elazary
Ron Elisha
Cliff Ellen
Worked with on The Secret House
Reg Evans
Frances Farmer
Russell Field
Peter Finlay
Sheila Florance
Carrillo Gantner
Ernie Gray
Brett Guerin
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Billie Hammerberg
Richard Healey
Edward Hepple
Noel Hodda
Ros Horin
Douglas Horton
Peter Hosking
Melita Jurisic
Daniel Kane
Evdokia Katahanas
Daniel Keene
Sofie Laguna
Rosie Lalevich
Tyrone Landau
Andrea Lemon
Valentina Levkowicz
Tes Lyssiotis
Sam Mallet
Sally Marsden
Monica Maughan
Stuart McKenzie
Clive Meddings
Jane Menelaus
Phil Motherwell
Danny Nash
Peter Neville
Dina Panozzo
Trina Parker
Ailsa Piper
Pamela Rabe
Geoff Revell
Malcolm Robertson
Jennifer Robinson
John Romeril
Ruth Schoenheimer
Beth Shelton
Mary Sitarenos
Andrew Spence
Michele Spooner
Kathryn Sproul
Ross Thompson
Charles Bud Tingwell
Rosie Tonkin
Hugh Wayland
Linden Wilkinson
Peter J Wilson
Sha Yexin
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