David Woods

David Woods

Actor, Dramaturg, Adaptor, Devisor, Creator

Shows worked on



Dramaturg 2014

David Woods has worked with...

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 2 others

Zoe Atkinson

Zoe Atkinson

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020) and 1 other

Bille Brown

Bille Brown

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Jo Currey

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020) and 1 other

Mark Cuthbertson

Mark Cuthbertson

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Mark Deans

Mark Deans

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Julie Forsyth

Julie Forsyth

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Bruce Gladwin

Bruce Gladwin

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Jonathan Haynes

Jonathan Haynes

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020) and 1 other

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Blasted and 1 other

Michael Kantor

Michael Kantor

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Judy Kelly

Judy Kelly

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020) and 1 other

Darren Kowacki

Darren Kowacki

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Simon Laherty

Simon Laherty

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing) and 1 other

Andrew Livingston

Andrew Livingston

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Sarah Mainwaring

Sarah Mainwaring

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Shio Otani

Shio Otani

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Lyndie  Li Wan Po

Lyndie Li Wan Po

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020) and 1 other

Scott Price

Scott Price

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Melissa Reeves

Melissa Reeves

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Kate Sulan

Kate Sulan

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Brian Tilley

Brian Tilley

Worked with on Super Discount and 1 other

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020) and 1 other

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing) and 1 other

Hugh Anderson

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Neil Armfield

Neil Armfield

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Iopu Auva'a

Iopu Auva'a

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tom Backhaus

Tom Backhaus

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020)

Dann Barber

Dann Barber

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tony Bartuccio

Tony Bartuccio

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Fayssal Bazzi

Fayssal Bazzi

Worked with on Blasted

Josh Bell

Josh Bell

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Bek Berger

Worked with on Meta

Amanda Bishop

Worked with on Optimism

Claire Bourke

Claire Bourke

Worked with on Optimism

Annie Bourke

Annie Bourke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Letitia Brennan-Steers

Worked with on Meta

Tony Briggs

Tony Briggs

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tyallah Bullock

Tyallah Bullock

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Caitlin Byrne

Caitlin Byrne

Worked with on Super Discount

Amanda Carr

Amanda Carr

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Johnny Carr

Johnny Carr

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Lachlan Carrick

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Amy Cater

Amy Cater

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Marco Cher-Gibard

Marco Cher-Gibard

Worked with on Super Discount

Tia Clark

Tia Clark

Worked with on A Social Service

Jessica Clarke

Jessica Clarke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Damien Cooper

Damien Cooper

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Anna Cordingley

Anna Cordingley

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Hugh Covill

Hugh Covill

Worked with on Super Discount

Caroline Craig

Caroline Craig

Worked with on Optimism

Jim Daly

Jim Daly

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Alice Darling

Alice Darling

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Sky Davies

Sky Davies

Worked with on Blasted

Luke Devenish

Luke Devenish

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Stephanie Dimitrou

Worked with on Meta

Tom Doig

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Angelo Duot

Worked with on A Social Service

Rashidi Edward

Rashidi Edward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Matthew Emond

Matthew Emond

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Joshua Ferenbach

Joshua Ferenbach

Worked with on Meta

Marcia Ferguson

Marcia Ferguson

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Dale Ferguson

Dale Ferguson

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Wendy Findlater

Wendy Findlater

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020)

John Flaus

Worked with on Meta

Alice Fleming

Alice Fleming

Worked with on Super Discount

Dario Fo

Dario Fo

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Louise Fox

Louise Fox

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Justin Gardam

Justin Gardam

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Katrina Gaskell

Worked with on A Social Service

Luke George

Luke George

Worked with on Optimism

Sarah Giles

Sarah Giles

Worked with on Optimism

Iain Grandage

Iain Grandage

Worked with on Optimism

Lyndall Grant

Lyndall Grant

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Francis Greenslade

Francis Greenslade

Worked with on Optimism

Sarah Grubb

Sarah Grubb

Worked with on Optimism

Nicola Gunn

Nicola Gunn

Worked with on A Social Service

Antony Hamilton

Antony Hamilton

Worked with on Super Discount

Tanith Harley

Tanith Harley

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Romanie Harper

Romanie Harper

Worked with on Meta

Zinnie Harris

Zinnie Harris

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Stephen Hawker

Stephen Hawker

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020)

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Samara Hersch

Samara Hersch

Worked with on Meta

Rhian Hinkley

Rhian Hinkley

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Gwendolyna Holmberg-Gilchrist

Gwendolyna Holmberg-Gilchrist

Worked with on A Social Service

Marg Horwell

Marg Horwell

Worked with on Blasted

Ethan Hunter

Ethan Hunter

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Eugene Ionesco

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Sam Jinks

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Liz Jones

Liz Jones

Worked with on Meta

Gillian Jones

Gillian Jones

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Patrick Jones

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Shaan Juma

Worked with on A Social Service

Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka

Worked with on Meta

Sarah Kane

Sarah Kane

Worked with on Blasted

Ainsley Kerr

Ainsley Kerr

Worked with on Meta

Alison Kidd

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Maryanne Lynch

Maryanne Lynch

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Isabelle Mangeot

Isabelle Mangeot

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Rebecca Massey

Rebecca Massey

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Amber McMahon

Amber McMahon

Worked with on Optimism

Hamish Michael

Hamish Michael

Worked with on Optimism

Eloise Mignon

Eloise Mignon

Worked with on Blasted

Erin Milne

Erin Milne

Worked with on The Importance of Being Earnest (2020)

Millie Mullinar

Millie Mullinar

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Isobel Mure

Worked with on A Social Service

Georgina Naidu

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Tayla Nichols

Worked with on A Social Service

Bojana Novakovic

Bojana Novakovic

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Abira De Oliveria

Worked with on A Social Service

Aaron Orzech

Aaron Orzech

Worked with on Meta

Anna Orzech

Worked with on Meta

Lisa Osborn

Lisa Osborn

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Rosemary Osmond

Rosemary Osmond

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Barry Otto

Barry Otto

Worked with on Optimism

Ryan Paine

Worked with on Optimism

James Paul

Worked with on Meta

John Rodgers

John Rodgers

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Nick Roux

Nick Roux

Worked with on A Social Service

Geoffrey Rush

Geoffrey Rush

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Chris Ryan

Chris Ryan

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Anne-Louise Sarks

Anne-Louise Sarks

Worked with on Blasted

Mary Helen Sassman

Mary Helen Sassman

Worked with on Meta

Niko Schauble

Niko Schauble

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Adrian Sheriff

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Nikki Shiels

Nikki Shiels

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Perry Smith

Worked with on Optimism

Paul Smits

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Melanie Stanton

Melanie Stanton

Worked with on Optimism

Berni Sweeney

Worked with on Ganesh Versus The Third Reich

Eugyeene Teh

Eugyeene Teh

Worked with on A Social Service

Scott Tinkler

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Anna Tregloan

Anna Tregloan

Worked with on Optimism

Francois Voltaire

Worked with on Optimism

Alison Whyte

Alison Whyte

Worked with on Optimism

Tom Willis

Tom Willis

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Frank Wood

Frank Wood

Worked with on Optimism

Matilda Woodroofe

Matilda Woodroofe

Worked with on Blasted

Elisabeth Wot

Worked with on A Social Service

Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Worked with on Optimism

Izabella Yena

Izabella Yena

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Dylan Young

Dylan Young

Worked with on Optimism

Marline Zaibak

Marline Zaibak

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)