Assistant to the Director, Actor, Musical Arranger
Assistant to the Director 1997
Actor 1991
Actor 1990
Richard Jeziorny
Worked with on Love Suicides and 1 other
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on Earthly Paradise and 1 other
David Murray
Ross Murray
Jill Smith
Robert Taylor
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Earthly Paradise
Bryony Anderson
Worked with on Love Suicides
Ezra Bix
Kim Carpenter
Sophie Clausen
Worked with on Esterhaz
Jennifer Dixon
Eric Donnison
Ron Elisha
Darryl Emmerson
George Fairfax
William Gluth
Xenia Hanusiak
Peter Hosking
John Hunt
Angus Ibbot
Nick Ilton
Asako Izawa
Nadja Kostich
Tyrone Landau
Philip Lethlean
Al Martinez
Rob Matson
Robert Meldrum
Robert Morgan
Natasha Moszenin
Deb Munn
Bruce Myles
Peter Neville
Satsuki Odamura
Miki Oikawa
John Romeril
Yumi Umiumare
Peter J Wilson
Simon Wilton
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