Assistant Director, Dramaturg, Creator, Director
Creator, Director 2016
Dramaturg 2015
Assistant Director 2014
Eugyeene Teh
Worked with on Approximate Translation and 1 other
Aljin Abella
Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan
Bertolt Brecht
Kristina Chan
Worked with on Do You Speak Chinese?
Emily Miaoqi Chen
Worked with on Approximate Translation
Victoria Chiu
Hsin Ju Chiu
Tia Clark
Roland Cox
Moira Finucane
Daniel Frederiksen
Genevieve Giuffre
Pete Goodwin
Rose Weirou Gui
Sheridan Harbridge
Adam Hardy
Benja Harney
Marg Horwell
Sophia Siu King Ko
Bert LaBonté
Peter Dat Wing Lee
Qibin Liang
Derek Sheung Bun Lo
Nathan Lovejoy
Lian Low
Jinghui Meng
Emily Milledge
Genevieve Morris
Lisa Osborn
Harriet Oxley
Shuoyou Pan
Jana Perkovic
Lyndie Li Wan Po
Josh Price
Richard Pyros
Bosco Shaw
Richard Vabre
Mindy Meng Wang
Yuchen Wang
Nina Wei
Christopher Wenn
Tom Wright
Helen Chin Yuan Wu
Yaoxin Zhao
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