Stage Manager
Stage Manager 1990
Stage Manager 1987
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Sabat Jesus and 1 other
Dalmazio Babare
Worked with on Cho Cho San (1987)
Mark Benson
Wendy Black
David Chesworth
Worked with on Sabat Jesus
Christopher Cole
Boris Conley
Wendy Couch
Ian Dixon
Christine Douglas
Russell Field
Nigel Frayne
William Gluth
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Drusilla Hendry
Geoff Hooke
Richard Jeziorny
Daniel Keene
Philip Lethlean
Robert Menzies
Robert Morgan
Danny Nash
Peter Neville
Hartley Newnham
Emma O'Brien
Pamela Rabe
Nicholas Robson
Ruth Schoenheimer
Ken Schroder
David Schultz
Beth Shelton
Mary Sitarenos
Jill Smith
Chung-wai Soong
Michele Spooner
Kathryn Sproul
Warwick Stengards
Ariette Taylor
Hugh Wayland
Peter J Wilson
Gareth Yuen
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