Actor 2004
Actor 2001
James Brennan
Worked with on The Frail Man and 2 others
Benjamin Cowen
Worked with on Ancient Enmity and 2 others
David Franzke
Christina Smith
Rachel Burke
Worked with on Seven Days of Silence and 1 other
Louise Gough
Worked with on Ancient Enmity and 1 other
Tom Healey
Miria Kostiuk
Brian Lipson
Natasha Marich
Sarah Norris
Lauren Taylor
Worked with on The Frail Man and 1 other
Paul Bishop
Worked with on The Frail Man
Angus Cerini
Worked with on Seven Days of Silence
Nikki Coghill
Anthony Crowley
Sandra Drummond
Sunchana Gogic
Russell Goldsmith
Shaun Gurton
Margaret Harvey
David Hayhow
Worked with on Ancient Enmity
Paul Jackson
Sue Jones
Andrew McMillan
Aubrey Mellor
Colin Moody
Suraya Rasid
Tim Robertson
David Symons
Worked with on Public Dancing
Peter Webb
Daniel Zika
Kevin de Zilva
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