Actor 2009
Actor 1994
Actor 1993
Actor 1992
Actor 1991
Linda Aitken
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others
Ross Murray
Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour) and 2 others
Tony Bartuccio
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other
Alan Becher
Worked with on The Newspaper of Claremont Street (1992 - Tour) and 1 other
John Beckett
David Britton
Anna Broinowski
Matthew Crosby
Marion Edward
Carrillo Gantner
Stuart Greenbaum
Robert Hay
Elizabeth Jolley
Melita Jurisic
Patricia Kennedy
Philip Lethlean
Lech Mackiewicz
Sandra Matlock
Robert Morgan
Wenanty Nosul
Mark Pegler
David Pledger
David Roberts
Ian Scott
William Shakespeare
Ariette Taylor
Mark Wager
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on Care Instructions
Laura Doheny
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)
Liz Jones
Caroline Lee
Stuart McKenzie
Marie Orchard
Danny Pettingill
Jaime Robertson
Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour)
Jamie Robertson
Eugene Schlusser
Jill Smith
Worked with on The Newspaper of Claremont Street (1992 - Tour)
Robert Taylor
Cynthia Troup
Paul Turner
David Young
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