Assistant Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager 2017
Assistant Stage Manager 2004
Adrian Aderhold
Worked with on Ruby Moon (2004 - Tour)
Jim Atkins
Worked with on The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets
Zoe Atkinson
Heather Bolton
Kanen Breen
Phoebe Briggs
William S Burroughs
Matt Cameron
Paul Capsis
Le Gateau Chocolat
Jacqueline Dark
Amanda Fairbanks
Aidan Fennessy
Sunchana Gogic
Russell Goldsmith
Iain Grandage
Luke Hales
Winston Hillyer
Peter Houghton
Paul Jackson
Patrick Jones
Stephanie Lake
Philip Lethlean
Matthew Lutton
Andrew McNaughton
Meow Meow
Tiffany Noack
Lisa Osborn
Richard Piper
Nicole Plester
Dimity Shepherd
Christina Smith
Scott Snowden
Tom Waits
Jethro Woodward
Kevin de Zilva
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