John Romeril

John Romeril

Adaptor, Playwright, Dramaturg

Shows worked on

John Romeril has worked with...

Rob Matson

Worked with on Miss Tanaka and 1 other

Miki Oikawa

Miki Oikawa

Worked with on Love Suicides and 1 other

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Miss Tanaka and 1 other

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on The Head of Mary and 1 other

Yumi Umiumare

Yumi Umiumare

Worked with on Miss Tanaka and 1 other

Bryony Anderson

Bryony Anderson

Worked with on Love Suicides

Brook Andrew

Brook Andrew

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Setsuko Arakawa

Worked with on The Floating World

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on The Head of Mary

David Bell

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Claire Bourke

Claire Bourke

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Simon Bowland

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Sue Bradley

Worked with on The Impostor

Helen Buday

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Bradley Byquar

Bradley Byquar

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Megan Cameron

Megan Cameron

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Kevin Carmody

Kevin Carmody

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Tanaka Chikao

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Greg Clarke

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Anna Cordingley

Anna Cordingley

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Simon Dennis

Worked with on The Impostor

Jenny Enilane

Worked with on The Impostor

Wesley Enoch

Wesley Enoch

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Reg Evans

Worked with on The Impostor

Frances Farmer

Worked with on The Impostor

Sheila Florance

Worked with on The Impostor

J. David Franzke

J. David Franzke

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Katrina Gaskell

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Petru Gheorghiu

Petru Gheorghiu

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Mikiko Goto

Worked with on The Floating World

Louise Gough

Louise Gough

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Benjamin Graetz

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Shaun Gurton

Shaun Gurton

Worked with on The Impostor

Billie Hammerberg

Worked with on The Impostor

Mairead Hannan

Mairead Hannan

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Deirdre Hannan

Deirdre Hannan

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Xenia Hanusiak

Worked with on Love Suicides

Blair Hart

Blair Hart

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Kanako Hashimoto

Worked with on The Floating World

Ben Hendry

Ben Hendry

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Edward Hepple

Worked with on The Impostor

Geoff Hooke

Worked with on The Impostor

John Hunt

Worked with on Love Suicides

Ryusuke Hyakuno

Worked with on The Floating World

Angus Ibbot

Worked with on Love Suicides

Kunihiko Ichiki

Worked with on The Floating World

Nick Ilton

Worked with on Love Suicides

Yumiko Ito

Worked with on The Floating World

Asako Izawa

Asako Izawa

Worked with on Love Suicides

Richard Jeziorny

Richard Jeziorny

Worked with on Love Suicides

Dave Jones

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Daniel Kane

Worked with on The Impostor

Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Victoria Knight

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Akihito Kumagai

Worked with on The Floating World

Tyrone Landau

Tyrone Landau

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Philip Lethlean

Philip Lethlean

Worked with on Love Suicides

Valentina Levkowicz

Worked with on The Impostor

Balang T. E. Lewis

Balang T. E. Lewis

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Maryanne Lynch

Maryanne Lynch

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Jun Mano

Worked with on The Floating World

Natasha Marich

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Ray Marks

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Al Martinez

Worked with on Love Suicides

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Clive Meddings

Worked with on The Impostor

Aubrey Mellor

Aubrey Mellor

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Alex Menglet

Alex Menglet

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Akio Miyabe

Worked with on The Floating World

Heather Monk

Heather Monk

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Norihiko Morishita

Worked with on The Floating World

Deb Munn

Worked with on Love Suicides

Katsumi Muramatsu

Worked with on The Floating World

Ross Murray

Worked with on The Impostor

Bruce Myles

Bruce Myles

Worked with on Love Suicides

Tadao Nakane

Worked with on The Floating World

Isao Natsuyagi

Worked with on The Floating World

Peter Neville

Worked with on Love Suicides

Noriko Nishimoto

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Satsuki Odamura

Worked with on Love Suicides

Natalie O'Donnell

Natalie O'Donnell

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Kirk Page

Kirk Page

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Ryan Paine

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Niklas Pajanti

Niklas Pajanti

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Dina Panozzo

Dina Panozzo

Worked with on The Impostor

Tam Phan

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Robin Ramsay

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Geoff Revell

Geoff Revell

Worked with on The Impostor

David Roberts

David Roberts

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Malcolm Robertson

Malcolm Robertson

Worked with on The Impostor

Deidre Rubenstein

Deidre Rubenstein

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Kelly Ryall

Kelly Ryall

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Shigeo Saito

Worked with on The Floating World

Junko Sakamoto

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Toshi Sakamoto

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Makoto Sato

Worked with on The Floating World

Keiji Sawada

Worked with on The Floating World

Ken Schroder

Worked with on The Impostor

David Schultz

Worked with on The Impostor

Mark Seymour

Mark Seymour

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Scott Snowden

Scott Snowden

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Jeremy Stanford

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Kousuke Sugimoto

Worked with on The Floating World

Jennie Tate

Jennie Tate

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Charles Bud Tingwell

Worked with on The Impostor

Andris Toppe

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Nick Tsiavos

Nick Tsiavos

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Junichi Umeda

Worked with on The Floating World

Elly Varrenti

Elly Varrenti

Worked with on Love Suicides

Darrin Verhagen

Darrin Verhagen

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

David Walters

Worked with on Miss Tanaka

Peter J Wilson

Peter J Wilson

Worked with on Love Suicides

Simon Wilton

Simon Wilton

Worked with on Love Suicides

Michael Wren

Worked with on The Head of Mary

Tony Yap

Tony Yap

Worked with on Miss Tanaka


Worked with on The Floating World

Sha Yexin

Sha Yexin

Worked with on The Impostor

Ursula Yovich

Ursula Yovich

Worked with on One Night the Moon

Magosoburo Yuki

Worked with on The Floating World

Isshi Yuki

Worked with on The Floating World

Chie Yuki

Worked with on The Floating World

Rens van der Zalm

Rens van der Zalm

Worked with on One Night the Moon