John Shortis


Shows worked on

John Shortis has worked with...

Janet Ashelford

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

John Black

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Dacha Blahova

Worked with on The Devil and Katya

Richard Bradshaw

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Ross Browning

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Russell Cheek

Worked with on The Devil and Katya

David Collins

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Patrick Cook

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Holly Coupland

Worked with on The Devil and Katya

Peter Cowan

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Peter Deane-Butcher

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Robert Dein

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Michael Doneman

Worked with on The Devil and Katya

Benjamin Franklin

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Iaon Gunn

Worked with on The Devil and Katya

Ross Hill

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Michael Manuell

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Marguerite Pepper

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Frank Phillips

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Roger Pulvers

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Kim Royle

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Kevin Scanlon

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Neil Simpson

Neil Simpson

Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia

Claire Teisen

Worked with on The Devil and Katya