Josh Price

Josh Price

Actor (Melbourne only), Actor, Performer

Shows worked on

Josh Price has worked with...

Alice Fleming

Alice Fleming

Worked with on Schmaltz and 1 other

Esther Marie Hayes

Esther Marie Hayes

Worked with on Going Down and 1 other

Christina Hayes

Christina Hayes

Worked with on Going Down and 1 other

Marg Horwell

Marg Horwell

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan and 1 other

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Antigone (2015) and 1 other

Emily Milledge

Emily Milledge

Worked with on Antigone (2015) and 1 other

Lyndie  Li Wan Po

Lyndie Li Wan Po

Worked with on Going Down and 1 other

Mark Pritchard

Mark Pritchard

Worked with on Going Down and 1 other

Daniel Schlusser

Daniel Schlusser

Worked with on Schmaltz and 1 other

Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan and 1 other

Aljin Abella

Aljin Abella

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Bridget Balodis

Bridget Balodis

Worked with on The Histrionic

Susan Bamford

Susan Bamford

Worked with on Schmaltz

Jimi Bani

Jimi Bani

Worked with on The Dragon

Thomas Bernhard

Worked with on The Histrionic

Paul Blenheim

Paul Blenheim

Worked with on Going Down

Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Bille Brown

Bille Brown

Worked with on The Histrionic

Kelly Butler

Kelly Butler

Worked with on The Histrionic

Caitlin Byrne

Caitlin Byrne

Worked with on The Dragon

Leticia Caceres

Leticia Caceres

Worked with on Going Down

Pier Carthew

Pier Carthew

Worked with on Schmaltz

Tyler Coppin

Tyler Coppin

Worked with on The Dragon

Catherine Davies

Catherine Davies

Worked with on Going Down

Meg Deyell

Meg Deyell

Worked with on The Histrionic

Scott Edgar

Scott Edgar

Worked with on The Dragon

Moira Finucane

Moira Finucane

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

David Franzke

David Franzke

Worked with on The Dragon

Daniel Frederiksen

Daniel Frederiksen

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Steven Gates

Steven Gates

Worked with on The Dragon

Genevieve Giuffre

Genevieve Giuffre

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Pete Goodwin

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Harriet Gregory

Harriet Gregory

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Jane Montgomery Griffiths

Jane Montgomery Griffiths

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Kim Gyngell

Kim Gyngell

Worked with on The Dragon

Simon Hall

Simon Hall

Worked with on The Dragon

Sheridan Harbridge

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Romanie Harper

Romanie Harper

Worked with on Schmaltz

Rebecca Hayes

Rebecca Hayes

Worked with on Going Down

Samara Hersch

Samara Hersch

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Joey Hitten

Worked with on The Dragon

Felix Ching Ching Ho

Felix Ching Ching Ho

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Adena  Jacobs

Adena Jacobs

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Sian James-Holland

Sian James-Holland

Worked with on Going Down

Bert LaBonté

Bert LaBonté

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

John Leary

John Leary

Worked with on The Dragon

Michele Lee

Michele Lee

Worked with on Going Down

Deborah Grace Loh

Deborah Grace Loh

Worked with on Schmaltz

Nathan Lovejoy

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Joel Loxton

Worked with on The Dragon

Jinghui Meng

Jinghui Meng

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Genevieve Morris

Genevieve Morris

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Elizabeth Nabben

Elizabeth Nabben

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Aaron Orzech

Aaron Orzech

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Lisa Osborn

Lisa Osborn

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Barry Otto

Barry Otto

Worked with on The Histrionic

James Paul

Worked with on Schmaltz

Rachel Perks

Rachel Perks

Worked with on Schmaltz

Zak Giles Pidd

Zak Giles Pidd

Worked with on Schmaltz

Marion Potts

Marion Potts

Worked with on The Dragon

Charles Purcell

Charles Purcell

Worked with on Schmaltz

Richard Pyros

Richard Pyros

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Naomi Rukavina

Naomi Rukavina

Worked with on Going Down

Mary Helen Sassman

Mary Helen Sassman

Worked with on Schmaltz

Toby Schmitz

Toby Schmitz

Worked with on The Dragon

Evgeny Schwartz

Worked with on The Dragon

Matt Scott

Matt Scott

Worked with on The Dragon

Nikki Shiels

Nikki Shiels

Worked with on The Dragon



Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Felicity Steel

Worked with on The Dragon

Jenn Taylor

Jenn Taylor

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Eugyeene Teh

Eugyeene Teh

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Emily Tomlins

Emily Tomlins

Worked with on Schmaltz

Katherine Tonkin

Katherine Tonkin

Worked with on The Histrionic

Anna Tregloan

Anna Tregloan

Worked with on The Dragon

Richard Vabre

Richard Vabre

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Emma Valente

Emma Valente

Worked with on Schmaltz

Darrin Verhagen

Darrin Verhagen

Worked with on The Histrionic

Jennifer Vuletic

Jennifer Vuletic

Worked with on The Histrionic

Tom Webster

Tom Webster

Worked with on The Dragon

Nina Wei

Worked with on The Good Person of Szechuan

Matilda Woodroofe

Matilda Woodroofe

Worked with on Going Down

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Sophie Woodward

Sophie Woodward

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Edwina Wren

Edwina Wren

Worked with on The Histrionic

Jenny Wu

Jenny Wu

Worked with on Going Down