Actor 2014
Actor 2012
Actor 2011
Gary Abrahams
Worked with on Pale Blue Dot
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Walking into the Bigness
Paul Ashcroft
Wayne Blair
Bertolt Brecht
Worked with on Baal
Rachel Burke
Lotte St Clair
Tia Clark
Richard Frankland
Brigid Gallacher
Tanya Gerstle
Russell Goldsmith
Stefan Gregory
Geraldine Hakewill
Amber Hart
Rarriwuy Hick
Shelly Lauman
Hannah Liddy
Chris Mead
Katina Olsen
Tiriki Onus
Lisa Osborn
Melissa Page
Ben Pfeiffer
Stephen Phillips
Oscar Redding
Chris Ryan
Nick Schlieper
Nicole Smith
Simon Stone
Eugyeene Teh
Katherine Tonkin
Darrin Verhagen
Monica Weightman
Tom Willis
Lachlan Woods
Tom Wright
Thomas Wright
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