Composer, Sound Designer, Dancer
Composer, Sound Designer 2009
Composer 2009
Dancer, Ballerina, Ballet Dancer, Ballroom Dancer 2007
Frog Peck
Worked with on Rogue and 1 other
Naomi Adams
Worked with on Tense Dave
Derrick Amanatidis
Worked with on Rogue
Zoe Atkinson
Worked with on Lawn
Kristy Ayre
Doyle Barrow
Sara Black
Danielle Canavan
Brian Carbee
Benjamin Cisterne
Ben Cobham
Angela Cole
Anna Cordingley
Vincent Crowley
Holly Durant
Mel Dyer
Don Eikhoff
Jodie Fried
Iain Grandage
Lucy Guerin
Antony Hamilton
Michelle Heaven
Anita Holloway
Mark Howett
Michael Kantor
Laura Levitus
Andrew Livingston
Stuart Van Locker
Brian Lucas
Grayson Millwood
Kath Newnham
Gideon Obarzanek
Ryan Paine
Niklas Pajanti
Byron Perry
Harriet Ritchie
Andrew Ross
Nick Roux
Michelle Ryan
Byron Scullin
Delia Silvan
Franc Tetaz
Gavin Webber
Tom Wright
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