Actor 2005
Actor 2001
Actor 2000
Actor 1996
David Franzke
Worked with on This Way Up and 4 others
Philip Lethlean
Worked with on Violet Inc and 4 others
Greg Clarke
Worked with on Violet Inc and 3 others
Ken Radley
Fiona Todd
James Wardlaw
Worked with on Violet Inc and 2 others
Tom Healey
Worked with on Violet Inc and 1 other
Sue Jones
Noel Jordan
Worked with on Baby X and 1 other
Rachael Maza Long
Worked with on Holy Day and 1 other
Natasha Marich
Aubrey Mellor
Worked with on The Twilight Series and 1 other
Margaret Mills
Kevin de Zilva
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on The Twilight Series
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on Burning Time
Melanie Beddie
Worked with on Violet Inc
Tanya Bennett
Samantha Bews
Worked with on So Wet
Nancy Black
Andrew Bovell
Worked with on Holy Day
Tony Briggs
Cath Cantlon
Rose Clemente
Elizabeth Coleman
Worked with on This Way Up
Vince Colosimo
Damien Cooper
Worked with on The Metamorphosis
Robert Cousins
Peter Curtin
Jana Debiasi
Campion Decent
Worked with on Baby X
Richard Divall
Peter Docker
Luke Elliot
Ben Ellis
Paul English
Dale Ferguson
Nicholas Flanagan
Julie Forsyth
Frank Gallacher
Jodi Gallagher
Worked with on Elegy
Vivienne Garrett
Lynda Gibson
Cameron Goodall
Paige Goodwin
Louise Gough
Iain Grandage
Robert Grubb
Shaun Gurton
Kim Gyngell
Marian Haddrick
Rodney Hall
Vivien Hamilton
Sam Haren
George Harlem
Ming-Zhu Hii
Catherine Hill
Roxane Hislop
David Hobson
Paul Jackson
Michael Leighton Jones
Lucas de Jong
Franz Kafka
Laura Lattuada
Tania Leong
Pamela Leversha
Tony Llewellyn-Jones
Briony Love
Bernie Lynch
Robert van Mackelenberg
Alan Maguire
Dino Marnika
Lisa Maza
Stephen McIntyre
David McSkimming
Rohan Meddings
Rajendra Moodley
Stewart Morritt
Helen Morse
Martina Murray
David Ngoombujarra
Ailsa Piper
Merlyn Quaife
Melodie Reynolds
Malcolm Robertson
Maryanne Sam
Justine Saunders
Christopher Schlusser
Mark Shelton
Jill Smith
Joseph Spano
Greg Stone
Katharine Sturak
Kerry Walker
Matthew Whittet
Benjamin Winspear
Nick Wishart
John Bolton Wood
Angus Wood
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