Performer, Actor, Creator, Writer, Director
Actor, Creator 2019
Writer, Director, Actor 2018
Performer 2014
Aljin Abella
Worked with on The Temple (2019)
Tom Backhaus
Bron Batten
Worked with on The Youtube Comment Orchestra
James Brown
Worked with on Ich Nibber Dibber
Tom Browne
Fausto Brusamolino
Aedín Cosgrove
Zoey Dawson
Elizabeth Dunn
Ash Flanders
Genevieve Giuffre
Nicola Gunn
Michael Hankin
Richard Higgins
Laura Hughes
Matthew Kelly
Zoe Coombs Marr
Anna McCarthy
Marcus McKenzie
Telia Nevile
Harriet Oxley
Clare Phillips
Lyndie Li Wan Po
Gavin Quinn
Natalie Rose
Anne-Louise Sarks
Clare Sheppard
Lara Thoms
Madeleine Tucker
Glen Walton
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