Actor, Director, Dramaturg
Dramaturg 2003
Dramaturg, Director 2000
Director 1986
Director 1985
Actor 1981
Actor 1979
Actor 1977
David Franzke
Worked with on Inside 03: the Technology Project and 1 other
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Room to Move and 1 other
William Zappa
Worked with on Alison Mary Fagan and 1 other
Kevin de Zilva
Kirk Alexander
Worked with on The Marriage of Bette and Boo
Amiri Baraka
Worked with on Dutchman
Suzanne Baron
Worked with on Alison Mary Fagan
Cazerine Barry
Worked with on Inside 03: the Technology Project
Axel Bartz
Worked with on Letters Home
John Beckett
Wade Beed
Samantha Bews
Worked with on So Wet
Wendy Black
Graeme Blundell
Worked with on Sexual Perversity in Chicago
Christopher Brown
Peter Brundle
Margaret Cameron
David Chisholm
Greg Clarke
David Cohen
Worked with on Room to Move
Murray Copland
Darryl Cordell
Peter Corrigan
Ellen Cressey
Beverley Dunn
Christopher Durang
Gerard Van Dyck
Hans Van Dyck
Cliff Ellen
Rennie Ellis
Mila Faranov
Rose Leiman Goldemberg
Neil Greenaway
Adrian Hauser
Jennifer Hector
Yvonne Hockey
Brian Holmes
Carolyn Howard
Thomas Howie
Sue Hunt
Noel Jordan
Evelyn Krape
Philip Lethlean
Valentina Levkowicz
David Mamet
Sandra Matlock
Anna McCrossin-Owen
Mandy McElhinney
David Membery
Denis Moore
Ross Murray
Nano Nagle
Danny Nash
Gerda Nicolson
John O'May
Merfyn Owen
Niklas Pajanti
Chris Paterson
Pamela Rabe
Ken Radley
Hannie Rayson
Margaret Ricketts
Dalibor Satalic
David Selbourne
Jill Smith
Peter Sommerfeld
Rachael Spiers
Naomi Stevenson
Red Symons
Franc Tetaz
Fiona Todd
Helen Tripp
James Wardlaw
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