Sound Designer, Sound Operator/Engineer
Sound Designer 2018
Sound Operator/Engineer, Sound Designer 2014
Sound Designer 2013
Alexandra Aldrich
Worked with on Salomé and 1 other
Zoe Boesen
Paul Blenheim
Worked with on Salomé
Caitlin Byrne
Worked with on The Witches
Elaine Crombie
Worked with on Blackie Blackie Brown: The Traditional Owner of Death (2018)
Roald Dahl
Catherine Davies
Worked with on Lord of the Flies
Tom Dent
Stacey Duckworth
Michele Durman
Guy Edmonds
Ash Flanders
Maree Freeman
Elizabeth Gadsby
Genevieve Giuffre
William Golding
Mike Greaney
Declan Greene
Emma Griffin
Samuel Hagen
Verity Hampson
Michael Hankin
Lucas Jervies
Emily Johnson
Nakkiah Lui
Kate McBride
Stephen Nicolazzo
Hugh O'Connor
Christopher Page
Peter Paltos
Nick Pelomis
Fiona Pepper
Kurt Phelan
Tessa Leigh Wolffenbuttel Pitt
Rebecca Poulter
Nicholas Rayment
Natalia Savvides
Katie Sfetkidis
Gemma Simpson
Chris Summers
Ryan Tate
Eugyeene Teh
Steve Toulmin
Contessa Treffone
Oscar Wilde
Megan Wilding
Nigel Williams
Kip Williams
Dalara Williams
Eloise Winestock
David Wood
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