Neole Goss

Neole Goss

Assistant Stage Manager

Shows worked on

Neole Goss has worked with...

Zoey Dawson

Zoey Dawson

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

J. David Franzke

J. David Franzke

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Declan Greene

Declan Greene

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

David Harrison

David Harrison

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Belinda McClory

Belinda McClory

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Tony Nikolakopoulos

Tony Nikolakopoulos

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Lisa Osborn

Lisa Osborn

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Melissa Page

Melissa Page

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Luke  Ryan

Luke Ryan

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Anna Samson

Anna Samson

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Nick Schlieper

Nick Schlieper

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Tom Willis

Tom Willis

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.