Nick Enright

Nick Enright

Adaptor, Playwright

Shows worked on

Nick Enright has worked with...

Rachel Burke

Rachel Burke

Worked with on Confidentially Yours and 2 others

Hugh Colman

Hugh Colman

Worked with on Confidentially Yours and 2 others

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019) and 2 others

Kim Durban

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

Paul English

Paul English

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

David Franzke

David Franzke

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019) and 1 other

Justin Monjo

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019) and 1 other

Helen Morse

Helen Morse

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

Tim Winton

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019) and 1 other

Rod Anderson

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Mark Anderson

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Janet Andrewartha

Janet Andrewartha

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Neil Armfield

Neil Armfield

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Zoe Atkinson

Zoe Atkinson

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Zoe Backes

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Janis Balodis

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Andrew Barker

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Tanya Bennett

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Mike Bishop

Mike Bishop

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Kate Blenheim

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Andrew Bovell

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Anna Brockway

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Kate Champion

Kate Champion

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Robert Cousins

Robert Cousins

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Danae Crawford

Danae Crawford

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Alison Croggon

Alison Croggon

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Max Cullen

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Maggie Dence

Maggie Dence

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)

Vanessa Downing

Vanessa Downing

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Robert Essex

Robert Essex

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)

Judi Farr

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Julie Forsyth

Julie Forsyth

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Jan Friedl

Jan Friedl

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Anatoly Frusin

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

John Gaden

John Gaden

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Iain Grandage

Iain Grandage

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Arielle Gray

Arielle Gray

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Michael Gurr

Michael Gurr

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Brenna Harding

Brenna Harding

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Stephen Hawker

Stephen Hawker

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Mark Howett

Mark Howett

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Alan John

Alan John

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Claire Jones

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Daniel Keene

Daniel Keene

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Juliette Kingcott

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Bert LaBonté

Bert LaBonté

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

John Leary

John Leary

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Alan Maguire

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Rebecca Massey

Rebecca Massey

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Ebony McGuire

Ebony McGuire

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Travis McMahon

Travis McMahon

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Kris McQuade

Kris McQuade

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Mikayla Merks

Mikayla Merks

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Ian Michael

Ian Michael

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Joanna Murray-Smith

Joanna Murray-Smith

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Benjamin Oakes

Benjamin Oakes

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Kathryn Osborne

Kathryn Osborne

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Debra Oswald

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Christopher Pitman

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Adam Quinn

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Peter Ripon

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Angus Robson

Angus Robson

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Steve Rodgers

Steve Rodgers

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Natalie Rowan

Natalie Rowan

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Deidre Rubenstein

Deidre Rubenstein

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Cait Ryan

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Tess Schofield

Tess Schofield

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Scott Sheridan

Scott Sheridan

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Guy Simon

Guy Simon

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Kevin Smith

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Blake Stickland

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Gavin Tempany

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)

Alison Whyte

Alison Whyte

Worked with on Cloudstreet (2019)

Daniel Wyllie

Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)