Assistant Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager 1999
Assistant Stage Manager 1998
John Bode
Worked with on Natural Life
Humphrey Bower
Alyson Brown
Worked with on The Sick Room
Celia de Burgh
Kate Cherry
Dan Cowles
Joanne Curry
Peter Curtin
Jim Daly
Steve Douglas-Craig
Beverley Dunn
Louise Fox
David Franzke
Nick Ilton
Michael Kantor
Asher Keddie
Tomek Koman
Tyrone Landau
Robert Lehrer
Gerald Lepkowski
Armando Licul
Rhys McConnochie
Caitlin Newton-Broad
Oscar Redding
Richard Roberts
David Roberts
Ben Rogan
Matt Scott
Ian Scott
Stephen Sewell
Jo Turner
James Verdon
Tom Wright
Ursula Yovich
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