Penelope Stewart

Penelope Stewart


Penelope Stewart has worked with...

Emma Anderson

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Janet Andrewartha

Janet Andrewartha

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Kate Atkinson

Kate Atkinson

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Tony Ayres

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

David Bell

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Adam Broinowski

Adam Broinowski

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Judith Cobb

Judith Cobb

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Tim Conigrave

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Stuart Greenbaum

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

John Gregg

John Gregg

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Michael Gurr

Michael Gurr

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Glenn Hughes

Glenn Hughes

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Tammy McCarthy

Tammy McCarthy

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Bruce Myles

Bruce Myles

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Torquil Neilson

Torquil Neilson

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Stephen Pease

Stephen Pease

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Leon Salom

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Matt Scott

Matt Scott

Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

David Tredinnick

David Tredinnick

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet

Simon Wilton

Simon Wilton

Worked with on Underwear, Perfume and Crash Helmet