Peter Corrigan

Peter Corrigan

Set Designer, Puppet Designer, Costume Designer, Designer

Shows worked on



Set Designer, Costume Designer 2009

Peter Corrigan has worked with...

Graeme Blundell

Graeme Blundell

Worked with on Modest Expectations and 8 others

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on Gentlemen Only and 3 others

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 3 others

Michael Kantor

Michael Kantor

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 3 others

Sandra Matlock

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 3 others

Anna Cordingley

Anna Cordingley

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 2 others

Carrillo Gantner

Carrillo Gantner

Worked with on Modest Expectations and 2 others

Robert Gebert

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 2 others

Richard Gill

Richard Gill

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 2 others

Evelyn Krape

Evelyn Krape

Worked with on The Ripper Show and 2 others

Cameron Menzies

Cameron Menzies

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 2 others

Maggie Millar

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 2 others

Roger Pulvers

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 2 others

Dimity Shepherd

Dimity Shepherd

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 2 others

Red Symons

Red Symons

Worked with on The Ripper Show and 2 others

Jillian Archer

Jillian Archer

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In and 1 other

Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Paul Capsis

Paul Capsis

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Daniel Carter

Daniel Carter

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Raimondo Cortese

Raimondo Cortese

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Peter Cummins

Peter Cummins

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In and 1 other

Kate Denborough

Kate Denborough

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Gary Files

Gary Files

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 1 other

Chloe Greaves

Chloe Greaves

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010) and 1 other

Tanith Harley

Tanith Harley

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010) and 1 other

Yvonne Hockey

Worked with on The Ripper Show and 1 other

Alan Ingram

Worked with on The Golden Oldies and 1 other

Jolyon James

Jolyon James

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Darren Kowacki

Darren Kowacki

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Maryanne Lynch

Maryanne Lynch

Worked with on Woyzeck and 1 other

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on Levad (Alone) and 1 other

David McSkimming

David McSkimming

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010) and 1 other

Andy Moore

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Nano Nagle

Nano Nagle

Worked with on Sexual Perversity in Chicago and 1 other

John O'May

John O'May

Worked with on The Ripper Show and 1 other

Eddie Perfect

Eddie Perfect

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Anne Phelan

Anne Phelan

Worked with on Gentlemen Only and 1 other

Peter Ripon

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Malcolm Robertson

Malcolm Robertson

Worked with on Modest Expectations and 1 other

Jeremy Sams

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Sam Shepard

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 1 other

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Modest Expectations and 1 other

Grant Smith

Grant Smith

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Melanie Stanton

Melanie Stanton

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010) and 1 other

Michele Stayner

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 1 other

Kurt Weill

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

John Xintavelonis

John Xintavelonis

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Simon Burke

Simon Burke

Worked with on Woyzeck

Tiffany Abbott

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Jackson Ackers

Worked with on Woyzeck

Linda Aitken

Worked with on Levad (Alone)

David Allen

Worked with on Modest Expectations

Johanna Allen

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

John Arnold

Worked with on Buried Child

Jeremy Barlow

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Suzanne Baron

Suzanne Baron

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In

Jacqueline Bathman

Jacqueline Bathman

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Casey Bennetto

Casey Bennetto

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Emilia Bertolini

Emilia Bertolini

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Nancy Black

Nancy Black

Worked with on Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Betty Bobbitt

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Claire Bourke

Claire Bourke

Worked with on Woyzeck

Scott Bowie

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Kanen Breen

Kanen Breen

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Joan Brockenshire

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Stuart Brownley

Stuart Brownley

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Georg Buchner

Georg Buchner

Worked with on Woyzeck

Carol Burns

Worked with on Chidley

Mitchell Butel

Mitchell Butel

Worked with on Woyzeck

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Nicholas Carter

Nicholas Carter

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Fred Cass

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Nick Cave

Nick Cave

Worked with on Woyzeck

Marco Chiappi

Marco Chiappi

Worked with on Woyzeck

Stuart Christie

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Jess Ciampa

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Liddy Clark

Liddy Clark

Worked with on Freaks

Geoffrey Clendon

Worked with on Buried Child

Francesca Codd

Francesca Codd

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Bob Collins

Bob Collins

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Judi Connelli

Judi Connelli

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Martin Corcoran

Martin Corcoran

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Nigel Crocker

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Jennie Cullen

Jennie Cullen

Worked with on Rock-Ola

Robin Cuming

Robin Cuming

Worked with on Buried Child

Lindy Davies

Lindy Davies

Worked with on Buried Child

Matt Delbridge

Worked with on Levad (Alone)

Leonie Dixon

Leonie Dixon

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Edward Dowling

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

Worked with on Chidley

Michael Duffield

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In

Marion Edward

Marion Edward

Worked with on The Golden Oldies

Rennie Ellis

Worked with on Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Warren Ellis

Warren Ellis

Worked with on Woyzeck

Dave Ellis

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Andrew Evans

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Peter Farnan

Peter Farnan

Worked with on Woyzeck

Karen Flaherty

Worked with on Modest Expectations

Gisli Orn Gardarsson

Gisli Orn Gardarsson

Worked with on Woyzeck

William Gluth

William Gluth

Worked with on Buried Child

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Tim Gooding

Tim Gooding

Worked with on Rock-Ola

Gordon Graham

Worked with on Freaks

John Grant

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Jack Grant

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Diana Greentree

Diana Greentree

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In

Alma De Groen

Worked with on Chidley

Kim Gyngell

Kim Gyngell

Worked with on Freaks

Margaret Haggart

Margaret Haggart

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Bo Haldane

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Frank Hatherley

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Nancye Hayes

Nancye Hayes

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Hayley Heath

Hayley Heath

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Michelle Heaven

Michelle Heaven

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Dana Hehir

Dana Hehir

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Nathan Henshaw

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Dorothy Hewett

Worked with on The Golden Oldies

Robert Hewett

Worked with on Chidley

David Hobson

David Hobson

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Brian Holmes

Worked with on Buried Child

Timothy Hook

Timothy Hook

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Peter Hosking

Peter Hosking

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child

Garrie Hutchinson

Worked with on Chidley

Alexandra Ivanoff

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Allison Jeny

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Daniel Jericho

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Alan John

Alan John

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Suzanne Johnston

Suzanne Johnston

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Luke Joslin

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

David Kendall

Worked with on Dance of Death (1981)

Simon Kenway

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Michael Kluger

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Xani Kolac

Xani Kolac

Worked with on Woyzeck

Barrie Kosky

Barrie Kosky

Worked with on Levad (Alone)

Melissa Langton

Melissa Langton

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Amy Lehpamer

Amy Lehpamer

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Robert Lehrer

Worked with on Levad (Alone)

Jamieson Lewis

Worked with on Freaks

Ruth Little

Worked with on Woyzeck

Richard Mackay-Sollay

Worked with on Dance of Death (1981)

David Mamet

Worked with on Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Sarah Masters

Worked with on Levad (Alone)

Lucy Maunder

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Julie McGregor

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Eve Merriam

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Hamish Michael

Hamish Michael

Worked with on Woyzeck

Patrick Miller

Patrick Miller

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

David Miller

David Miller

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Caitlin Morris

Caitlin Morris

Worked with on Modest Expectations

Mike Morris

Worked with on Freaks

Amanda Muggleton

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Aurora Muratti

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Sean Myers

Worked with on Buried Child

Bruce Myles

Bruce Myles

Worked with on Hancock's Last Half Hour

Ted Neilsen

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In

Bojana Novakovic

Bojana Novakovic

Worked with on Woyzeck

Roger Oakley

Roger Oakley

Worked with on Freaks

Anna O'Byrne

Anna O'Byrne

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Socratis Otto

Socratis Otto

Worked with on Woyzeck

Merfyn Owen

Merfyn Owen

Worked with on Woyzeck

Ryan Paine

Worked with on Woyzeck

John Paramor

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Lindsay Partridge

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Jim Pennell

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Richard Percival

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Max Phipps

Max Phipps

Worked with on Rock-Ola

Stephanie Pidcock

Stephanie Pidcock

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Vera Plevnik

Worked with on The Golden Oldies

Betty Pounder

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Yoni Prior

Yoni Prior

Worked with on Levad (Alone)

Evan Pritchard

Evan Pritchard

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

David Roberts

David Roberts

Worked with on Modest Expectations

Marilyn Rodgers

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Tim Rogers

Tim Rogers

Worked with on Woyzeck

Gary Rowley

Gary Rowley

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Deidre Rubenstein

Deidre Rubenstein

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Terry Ryan

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Adam Salzer

Adam Salzer

Worked with on Rock-Ola

Angela Scundi

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Peter Sforcina

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Bruno Siketa

Bruno Siketa

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

David Slingsby

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child

Bruce Spence

Worked with on The Ripper Show

Delyth Stafford

Delyth Stafford

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Howard Stanley

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child

Freddie Strauks

Worked with on The Ripper Show

August Strindberg

Worked with on Dance of Death (1981)

Nic Synot

Nic Synot

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Jennie Tate

Jennie Tate

Worked with on Rock-Ola

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on Modest Expectations

Anna Tregloan

Anna Tregloan

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Karen Trott

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Andrew Upton

Andrew Upton

Worked with on Through The Looking Glass

Doug de Vries

Doug de Vries

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Neale Warrington

Worked with on Gentlemen Only

Tony Watts

Worked with on Oh / Let Me In

Michael Whalley

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Heathcote Williams

Worked with on Hancock's Last Half Hour

Bevan Wilson

Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child

Dan Witton

Dan Witton

Worked with on Woyzeck

John Wood

John Wood

Worked with on Freaks

Judith Woodroffe

Worked with on Freaks

Paul Young

Worked with on Freaks