Actor, Performer
Actor 2016
Actor 2014
Performer 2014
Actor 2013
Performer 2010
Frances Djulibing
Worked with on The Shadow King (2016) and 3 others
Jada Alberts
Worked with on The Shadow King (2016) and 2 others
Jimi Bani
Selwyn Burns
Natasha Gadd
Rhys Graham
Iain Grandage
Damion Hunter
Paul Jackson
Michael Kantor
Kamahi Djordon King
Ruby Langton-Batty
Balang T. E. Lewis
Murray Lui
David Miller
Djakapurra Munyarryun
Lisa Osborn
Marion Potts
Melodie Reynolds-Diarra
Kelly Ryall
William Shakespeare
Natasha Wanganeen
Bart Willoughby
John Rodgers
Worked with on The Shadow King (2016) and 1 other
Alistair Stobo
Jason Tamiru
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Walking into the Bigness
Scott Otto Anderson
Worked with on Ngurrumilmarrmiriyu (Wrong Skin) (2010 - Tour)
Paul Ashcroft
Wayne Blair
Rachel Burke
Stewart Campbell
Worked with on The Shadow King (2016)
Tia Clark
Trudy Dalgleish
Gerald Dhamarrandji
Lionel Dhulmanawuy
Anthony Djamangi
Aaron Djimilkinya
Luisa Hastings Edge
Richard Frankland
Djali Donald Ganambarr
Wakara Gondarra
Mic Gruchy
Jida Gulpilil
Worked with on The Shadow King (2014)
Nathan Guymangura
Mark Haslam
Suzanne Heywood
Worked with on The Shadow King (2013)
Basil Hogios
Arthur Jackson
Nigel Jamieson
Daren Matan
Mathew McCall
Chris Mead
Andy Moore
Margaret Ngungunyungu
Katina Olsen
Tiriki Onus
David Page
Rosealee Pearson
Jo Porter
Gavin Robins
John Rogers
Robert Shook
Kelly Ukena
Darrin Verhagen
Monica Weightman
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