Designer 2002
Designer 2001
Designer 2000
Designer 1999
Designer 1998
Designer 1991
Matt Scott
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 6 others
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 5 others
David Chesworth
Wesley Enoch
Jane Harrison
Pauline Whyman
Stan Yarramunua
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 4 others
Kylie Belling
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne) and 3 others
Richard Dinnen
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 3 others
Elliott Maynard
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 2 others
Glenn Shea
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 2 others
Tony Briggs
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour) and 1 other
Celia de Burgh
Worked with on The Sick Room and 1 other
Lisa Maza
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 1 other
Tiffany Noack
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 1 other
LeRoy Parsons
Keith Agius
Worked with on The Adman
Linda Aitken
John Beckett
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Stolen (1998)
Shane Bourne
Alyson Brown
Worked with on The Sick Room
Kate Cherry
Adrienne Chisholm
Worked with on Half and Half
Peter Curtin
Beverley Dunn
Karen Flaherty
Richard Frankland
J. David Franzke
Ben Grant
Stuart Greenbaum
Wendy Gregory
Worked with on Stolen (1999 - Tour)
Robert Hewett
Nick Ilton
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo)
Ken James
Asher Keddie
Daniel Keene
Nadja Kostich
Brad Leffler
Gerald Lepkowski
Philip Lethlean
Colette Mann
Rhys McConnochie
Stuart McKenzie
Babs McMillan
Robert Menzies
Nicol Morrow
Robbie Patten
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour)
Morgan Randall
Oscar Redding
Stephen Sewell
Jill Smith
Dan Spielman
Frank Stoffels
Ariette Taylor
Darrin Verhagen
Kate Whitbread
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