Visual Artist, Designer
Designer 1992
Visual Artist 1990
Designer 1980
John Beckett
Worked with on Tell Her That I Love Her
Rodney Charls
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare
Maud Clark
Robert Draffin
Worked with on The Forty Lounge Cafe
Ron Elazary
Robert Gebert
William Gluth
Clem Gorman
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Richard Jeziorny
Evdokia Katahanas
Carey Lai
Rosie Lalevich
Tyrone Landau
Tes Lyssiotis
Stuart McKenzie
Ross Murray
Roger Pulvers
Malcolm Robertson
David Schultz
Mary Sitarenos
Jill Smith
Greg Sneddon
Howard Stanley
Robert Taylor
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