Director, Assistant Director
Director 2013
Director, Director 2011
Assistant Director 2001
Tobiah Booth-Remmers
Worked with on Skeleton
Andrew Bovell
Worked with on Holy Day
Caitlin Byrne
Worked with on Half-Real
Cath Cantlon
Rose Clemente
Geoff Cobham
Tony Currie
Jana Debiasi
Peter Docker
Katherine Fyffe
Frank Gallacher
Matthew Gardiner
Ray Gardiner
Cameron Goodall
Paige Goodwin
Louise Gough
Duncan Graham
Lisa Griffiths
David Heinrich
Rachael Maza Long
Marcus Louend
Briony Love
Bernie Lynch
Michael Marner
Dino Marnika
Mandy McElhinney
Larissa McGowan
Amber McMahon
Chris More
Jonathon Oxlade
Chris Petridis
Lewis Rankin
Melodie Reynolds
Bosco Shaw
Mark Shelton
Jill Smith
DJ Trip
Tina Venditto
Kerry Walker
Carol Wellman-Kelly
Jethro Woodward
Alirio Zavarce
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