Tom Willis

Tom Willis

Lighting Designer

Shows worked on

Tom Willis has worked with...

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing) and 1 other

Lisa Osborn

Lisa Osborn

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing) and 1 other

Gary Abrahams

Gary Abrahams

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Iopu Auva'a

Iopu Auva'a

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Dann Barber

Dann Barber

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Josh Bell

Josh Bell

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Annie Bourke

Annie Bourke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tony Briggs

Tony Briggs

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tyallah Bullock

Tyallah Bullock

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Johnny Carr

Johnny Carr

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Adam Casey

Adam Casey

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Amy Cater

Amy Cater

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Jessica Clarke

Jessica Clarke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Matthew Crosby

Matthew Crosby

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Jim Daly

Jim Daly

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Alice Darling

Alice Darling

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Zoey Dawson

Zoey Dawson

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Marcel Dorney

Marcel Dorney

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Isaac Drandich

Worked with on SEETHrough

Lisette Drew

Lisette Drew

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Luisa Hastings Edge

Luisa Hastings Edge

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Rashidi Edward

Rashidi Edward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

J. David Franzke

J. David Franzke

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Genevieve Fry

Genevieve Fry

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Justin Gardam

Justin Gardam

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tanya Gerstle

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Neole Goss

Neole Goss

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Lyndall Grant

Lyndall Grant

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Declan Greene

Declan Greene

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Esther Hannaford

Esther Hannaford

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Ida Duelund Hansen

Ida Duelund Hansen

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Zinnie Harris

Zinnie Harris

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

David Harrison

David Harrison

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Amber Hart

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Benjamin Hoetjes

Benjamin Hoetjes

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Ethan Hunter

Ethan Hunter

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Andrea James

Worked with on SEETHrough

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Kevin Kiernan-Molloy

Kevin Kiernan-Molloy

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Colin Kinchela

Worked with on SEETHrough

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Hannah Liddy

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Erica McCalman

Worked with on SEETHrough

Belinda McClory

Belinda McClory

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Jacqui Mills

Worked with on SEETHrough

Tony Nikolakopoulos

Tony Nikolakopoulos

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Bojana Novakovic

Bojana Novakovic

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Rosemary Osmond

Rosemary Osmond

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Melissa Page

Melissa Page

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Sebastian Peters-Lazaro

Sebastian Peters-Lazaro

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Ben Pfeiffer

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Stephen Phillips

Stephen Phillips

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Jesse Rasmussen

Jesse Rasmussen

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Luke  Ryan

Luke Ryan

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Lisa Salvo

Lisa Salvo

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Anna Samson

Anna Samson

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Nick Schlieper

Nick Schlieper

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Karen Sibbing

Karen Sibbing

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Nicole Smith

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Bjorn Stewart

Worked with on SEETHrough

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on Pompeii, L.A.

Ellen Strasser

Ellen Strasser

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Mat Diafos Sweeney

Mat Diafos Sweeney

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Eugyeene Teh

Eugyeene Teh

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

Emily Tomlins

Emily Tomlins

Worked with on The Plague Dances

Gavin Walters

Worked with on SEETHrough

Corey Webster

Worked with on SEETHrough

Lachlan Woods

Worked with on Pale Blue Dot

David Woods

David Woods

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Chris Yates

Worked with on SEETHrough

Izabella Yena

Izabella Yena

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Marline Zaibak

Marline Zaibak

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)