Voice Over Artist, Actor, Playwright
Voice Over Artist 2008
Voice Over Artist 2007
Playwright 2002
Playwright 2001
Actor 1987
Actor 1986
David Franzke
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 3 others
Peter Houghton
Denis Moore
Tom Healey
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 2 others
Anna Borghesi
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 1 other
James Brennan
Worked with on Svetlana in Slingbacks (2002) and 1 other
Margaret Cameron
Peta Coy
Richard Dinnen
Kevin Harrington
Miria Kostiuk
Ross Murray
Worked with on The Impostor and 1 other
Tony Nikolakopoulos
Sarah Norris
Melissa Reeves
Luke Ryan
Christina Smith
Daniel Zika
Kirk Alexander
Worked with on The Marriage of Bette and Boo
Wade Beed
Alison Bell
Worked with on The Spook (2007)
Nancy Black
Wendy Black
Sue Bradley
Worked with on The Impostor
Benjamin Cowen
Worked with on Svetlana in Slingbacks (2001)
Ellen Cressey
Rob Dallas
Worked with on Svetlana in Slingbacks (2002)
Simon Dennis
Beverley Dunn
Christopher Durang
Cliff Ellen
Jenny Enilane
Reg Evans
Frances Farmer
Sheila Florance
Shaun Gurton
Billie Hammerberg
Tanith Harley
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)
Edward Hepple
Geoff Hooke
Sue Hunt
Odette Joannidis
Daniel Kane
Darren Kowacki
Brian Lipson
Kirsten Marr
Clive Meddings
Alex Menglet
Margaret Mills
Dina Panozzo
Chris Paterson
Genevieve Picot
Pamela Rabe
Suraya Rasid
Geoff Revell
Malcolm Robertson
John Romeril
Anne-Louise Sarks
Dalibor Satalic
Ken Schroder
David Schultz
Robert Taylor
Maria Theodorakis
Charles Bud Tingwell
Helen Tripp
Bonnie Walsh
Sha Yexin
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