I Love You Bro

Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby

I Love You Bro

By Adam Cass

10 February 2009 – 28 February 2009 Tower Theatre

Malthouse Theatre, Three to a Room,

Theatre Collaboration

Johnny is a digital chameleon, able to change who he is with the stroke of a key and the click of a mouse. A skill he puts to use in an online chatroom. Posing as a girl, under the screenname AlbaJay, Johnny stumbles across someone he knows from his real life, a boy from school, MarkyMark. The two begin a digital relationship, but as the fictional world he has created starts to collide with reality, Johnny must do whatever it takes to make sure MarkyMark loves him. Based on true events, I Love You, Bro is a tale of love and deceit in a digital world.

This production is the winner of the 2007 Melbourne Dramatists Emerging Playwright Award.

Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby
Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby
Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "I Love You Bro". Ash Flanders. Photographer: Jeff Busby


Ash Flanders

Ash Flanders



Adam Cass

Playwright, Playwright

Jason Lehane

Jason Lehane

Designer, Designer

Yvonne Virsik

Yvonne Virsik

Director, Director

Angela Cole

Angela Cole

Lighting Operator, Sound Operator/Engineer, Lighting Operator, Sound Operator/Engineer

Nick Wollan

Composer, Composer

Stewart Campbell

Lighting Operator, Sound Operator/Engineer, Lighting Operator, Sound Operator/Engineer

Sarah Grubb

Sarah Grubb

Production Manager, Production Manager


A Three to a Room production presented by Malthouse Theatre.