Tokyo Notes

Production still for "Tokyo Notes". Photographer: Unknown

Tokyo Notes

By Oriza Hirata

18 February 2004 – 21 February 2004 Merlyn Theatre

Playbox Theatre Company, Seinendan Theatre Company,

Theatre Collaboration

Very quiet production, with minimal production values, set in foyer of a Tokyo art gallery featuring a Vermeer exhibition in the year 2014 when Europe is at war and its artworks have been moved to Asia for safe keeping. Characters come and go, interrelating often simultaneously, discussing Vermeer, their own relationships and family.

Production still for "Tokyo Notes". Photographer: Unknown
Production still for "Tokyo Notes". Photographer: Unknown

Production still for "Tokyo Notes". Photographer: Unknown

Production still for "Tokyo Notes". Photographer: Unknown


Oriza Hirata

Oriza Hirata

Playwright, Director