
Production still for "Turbine". L to R: Elizabeth Esguerra, Paul Ashcroft, Jodie Le Vesconte. Photographer: Sarah Walker


By Dan Giovannoni

26 October 2016 – 04 November 2016 Beckett Theatre

Malthouse Theatre,

Commission New Writing Theatre World Premiere Suitcase Series Tour

You can’t stop progress, right? A loved one, a place, a memory, an icon, a way of life – when loss is inevitable, what do you hold on to? And how? Turbine explores society's responses to climate change through a range of theatrical forms, taking Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' five stages of grieving as a dramatic structure.

The production formed part of the Suitcase Series, Malthouse Theatre's award-winning education program, established in 2010. The program sees Year 9 & 10 drama students use theatre to explore their relationship to climate change, with a new script commissioned every two years. The script functions as source material for the students to explore, developing their own theatrical responses and presenting them to each other in conjunction with the Malthouse production. 

This production was remounted in 2017, touring to Courthouse Youth Arts Centre, Geelong (17 Oct), Portland Arts Centre (20 Oct), Malthouse Theatre's Beckett Theatre (25 Oct - 11 Nov), La Trobe Performing Arts Centre (14 Nov), and Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre (17 Nov).

Production still for "Turbine". Paul Ashcroft. Photographer: Sarah Walker
Production still for "Turbine". Elizabeth Esguerra. Photographer: Sarah Walker
Production still for "Turbine". L to R: Paul Ashcroft, Jodie Le Vesconte, Elizabeth Esguerra. Photographer: Sarah Walker

Production still for "Turbine". Paul Ashcroft. Photographer: Sarah Walker

Production still for "Turbine". Elizabeth Esguerra. Photographer: Sarah Walker

Production still for "Turbine". L to R: Paul Ashcroft, Jodie Le Vesconte, Elizabeth Esguerra. Photographer: Sarah Walker


Janice Muller

Janice Muller


Ian Moorhead

Ian Moorhead

Sound Designer

Romanie Harper

Romanie Harper

Set Designer, Costume Designer

Dan Giovannoni

Dan Giovannoni


Mark Pritchard

Mark Pritchard


Amelia Lever-Davidson

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Lighting Designer


Malthouse Theatre presents normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown. as part of its Suitcase Series. The Suitcase Series is supported by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development; and receives generous assistance from the Betty Amsden Foundation and individual Malthouse Muse donors.