Jacqui Everitt


Shows worked on

Jacqui Everitt has worked with...

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on Still Angela and 2 others

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

Worked with on Still Angela and 1 other

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Still Angela and 1 other

Helen Herbertson

Helen Herbertson

Worked with on Still Angela and 1 other

Jenny Kemp

Jenny Kemp

Worked with on Still Angela and 1 other

Margaret Mills

Margaret Mills

Worked with on Still Angela and 1 other

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Still Angela and 1 other

Linda Aitken

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Rachel Burke

Rachel Burke

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

David Chesworth

David Chesworth

Worked with on Recital

Ben Cobham

Ben Cobham

Worked with on The Black Sequin Dress

Nikki Coghill

Nikki Coghill

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Jon Davey

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Cathy Downes

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

David Franzke

David Franzke

Worked with on Still Angela

Keith Gallasch

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Alice Garner

Alice Garner

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

William Gluth

William Gluth

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Stuart Greenbaum

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Felicity Hardy

Worked with on Still Angela

Romanie Harper

Romanie Harper

Worked with on The Black Sequin Dress

Douglas Horton

Douglas Horton

Worked with on Recital

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Recital

Tobsha Learner

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Felicity MacDonald

Worked with on Still Angela

Dino Marnika

Dino Marnika

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

David McNicol

David McNicol

Worked with on Recital

Rohan Meddings

Worked with on Still Angela

Aubrey Mellor

Aubrey Mellor

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Mark Minchinton

Mark Minchinton

Worked with on Still Angela

David Murray

Worked with on Still Angela

Helen Noonan

Helen Noonan

Worked with on Recital

Michele Preshaw

Michele Preshaw

Worked with on Recital

Ian Scott

Worked with on The Black Sequin Dress

Mary Sitarenos

Mary Sitarenos

Worked with on The Black Sequin Dress

Ben Speth

Worked with on Still Angela

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on The Black Sequin Dress

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Lucy Taylor

Lucy Taylor

Worked with on Still Angela

Simon Wilton

Simon Wilton

Worked with on Still Angela