Jenn Taylor

Jenn Taylor

Stage Manager

Shows worked on

Jenn Taylor has worked with...

Leen Dewilde

Worked with on The Last Supper

Harriet Gregory

Harriet Gregory

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Jane Montgomery Griffiths

Jane Montgomery Griffiths

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Esther Marie Hayes

Esther Marie Hayes

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Christina Hayes

Christina Hayes

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Samara Hersch

Samara Hersch

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Tim Ingram

Worked with on The Last Supper

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Adena  Jacobs

Adena Jacobs

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Emily Milledge

Emily Milledge

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Elizabeth Nabben

Elizabeth Nabben

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Aaron Orzech

Aaron Orzech

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Josh Price

Josh Price

Worked with on Antigone (2015)



Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Gerrit Valckenaers

Worked with on The Last Supper

Mole Wetherell

Worked with on The Last Supper

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Antigone (2015)

Sophie Woodward

Sophie Woodward

Worked with on Antigone (2015)