Joanne Canning

Joanne Canning


Shows worked on

Joanne Canning has worked with...

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Pacific Union and 1 other

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on Pacific Union and 1 other

Linda Aitken

Worked with on Pacific Union

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Humphrey Bower

Humphrey Bower

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Alexander Buzo

Worked with on Pacific Union

Marco Chiappi

Marco Chiappi

Worked with on Pacific Union

Judith Cobb

Judith Cobb

Worked with on Pacific Union

Angela Coffey

Worked with on Pacific Union

Louise Cullinan

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Beverley Dunn

Beverley Dunn

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Jan Friedl

Jan Friedl

Worked with on Pacific Union

Robert Gebert

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Glenn Hughes

Glenn Hughes

Worked with on Pacific Union

Doug MacLeod

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Marnie McDonald

Marnie McDonald

Worked with on Pacific Union

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on Pacific Union

Denis Moore

Denis Moore

Worked with on Pacific Union

Robert Morgan

Robert Morgan

Worked with on Pacific Union

Ross Murray

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Bruce Myles

Bruce Myles

Worked with on Pacific Union

Diana O'Connor

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Peter Oyston

Peter Oyston

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Michele Preshaw

Michele Preshaw

Worked with on Pacific Union

Gary Samolin

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Ross Thompson

Ross Thompson

Worked with on Pacific Union

Frank Wilson

Worked with on My Son the Lawyer is Drowning

Simon Wilton

Simon Wilton

Worked with on Pacific Union