Lisa Parris

Stage Manager

Shows worked on

Lisa Parris has worked with...

Kamarra Bell-Wykes

Kamarra Bell-Wykes

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Darryl Cordell

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Lancho Davey

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Isaac Drandich

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Jane Harrison

Jane Harrison

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Rachael Maza Long

Rachael Maza Long

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Michele Preshaw

Michele Preshaw

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Melodie Reynolds

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)

Maryanne Sam

Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)