Simon O'Loughlin


Shows worked on

Simon O'Loughlin has worked with...

Ruth Aldridge

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Stephen Axelsen

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Barry Conyngham

Barry Conyngham

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Murray Copland

Murray Copland

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Peter Cox

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Sue Davis

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Helen English

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Frances Farmer

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Jan Friedl

Jan Friedl

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

James Harkness

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Gerry Nixon

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

David O'Keeffe

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Linton Roe

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill

Naomi Stevenson

Worked with on The Oath of Bad Brown Bill