Bang! A Critical Fiction

Production still for "Bang! A Critical Fiction". Margaret Cameron. Photographer: Rachelle Roberts

Bang! A Critical Fiction

By Margaret Cameron

05 June 2001 – 14 July 2001 Beckett Theatre

Playbox Theatre Company,

New Writing Theatre

Bang! is a deliberately eccentric piece combining poetic language with the western genre, computer technology, comedy and psycholanalytical insights.

Production still for "Bang! A Critical Fiction". Margaret Cameron. Photographer: Rachelle Roberts
Production still for "Bang! A Critical Fiction". Margaret Cameron. Photographer: Rachelle Roberts

Production still for "Bang! A Critical Fiction". Margaret Cameron. Photographer: Rachelle Roberts

Production still for "Bang! A Critical Fiction". Margaret Cameron. Photographer: Rachelle Roberts


Margaret Cameron

Margaret Cameron

Video Designer, Playwright, Director, Actor


Rachel Burke

Rachel Burke

Lighting Designer

Christina Smith

Christina Smith


J. David Franzke

J. David Franzke

Sound Designer

Adrian Hauser

Video Designer

Natasha Marich

Stage Manager

Benjamin Cowen

Assistant Stage Manager