Drink Pepsi, Bitch!

Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". L-R: Dustin McLean, Eddie Perfect, Vincenzo Ruberto, Ben Hendry. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Drink Pepsi, Bitch!

By Eddie Perfect

20 September 2005 – 02 October 2005 Beckett Theatre

Malthouse Theatre,

Theatre World Premiere

Eddie Perfect's satirical attack-dogs are set on globalisation, materialism, anarchy and sex. He threw in drugs and conspiracy theories for free. Not content with merely smashing the State, Eddie Perfect has packaged
himself as the ultimate global brand to bring down the Free Market from within.

After its premiere at the Malthouse Theatre, this production had sell-out seasons at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Menier Chocolate Factory in London, the Melbourne Fringe, the Sydney Opera House, and the Adelaide Fringe.

Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". L-R: Dustin McLean, Eddie Perfect, Vincenzo Ruberto, Ben Hendry. Photographer: Jeff Busby
Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". Eddie Perfect. Photographer: Jeff Busby
Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". Eddie Perfect. Photographer: Jeff Busby
Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". Eddie Perfect. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". L-R: Dustin McLean, Eddie Perfect, Vincenzo Ruberto, Ben Hendry. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". Eddie Perfect. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". Eddie Perfect. Photographer: Jeff Busby

Production still for "Drink Pepsi, Bitch!". Eddie Perfect. Photographer: Jeff Busby


Eddie Perfect

Eddie Perfect

Writer, Performer


Tom Wright

Tom Wright


David Franzke

David Franzke

Sound Designer

Tom Healey

Tom Healey


Vincenzo Roberto

Vincenzo Roberto


Ben Hendry

Ben Hendry


Dustin McLean

Dustin McLean
