Voice Over Artist, Actor
Voice Over Artist 2006
Actor 1986
Actor 1985
Actor 1984
Actor 1982
Actor 1981
David Cameron
Worked with on Scapin and 4 others
Rex Cramphorn
Worked with on Hamlet / Measure for Measure and 4 others
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Not About Heroes and 3 others
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on Hamlet / Measure for Measure and 2 others
Lindy Davies
Worked with on Hamlet / Measure for Measure and 1 other
Frances Farmer
Worked with on This Antigone and 1 other
Anna French
Worked with on Not About Heroes and 1 other
Karl Kish
Worked with on My Foot, My Tutor and 1 other
Robert Meldrum
Worked with on Autobiography of Red and 1 other
Ross Murray
Kate Sulan
Fred Wallace
Worked with on A Life in the Theatre and 1 other
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on Scapin
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on A Life in the Theatre
Faye Bendrups
Worked with on The Tail of Puff the Magic Dragon
Sam Bonifacio
Beverley Boyd
Worked with on This Antigone
Adam Briscomb
Anne Carson
Worked with on Autobiography of Red
Barry Conyngham
Worked with on Hamlet / Measure for Measure
Anna Cordingley
Rhonda Cressey
Worked with on Britannicus
Leo Dale
Eamon D'Arcy
Worked with on A Whip Round for Percy Grainger
Phillip Dodd
Lois Ellis
Reg Evans
Kate Fitzpatrick
John Francis
Susie Fraser
Carrillo Gantner
Worked with on Not About Heroes
Adam Gardnir
Garry Ginivan
Peter Handke
Worked with on My Foot, My Tutor
Rosalie Howard
Silvia Jahnsons
Silvia Jansons
Timothy Jones
Stan Kouros
Nina Landis
Cathrine Lynch
Stephen MacDonald
Tony Mack
David Mamet
Kevin Manser
Sandra Matlock
Monica Maughan
James McCaughey
Robert Menzies
Mark Minchinton
Jean-Baptiste Moliere
Robert Morgan
Geraldene Morrow
Luke Mullins
David Murray
Sue Nattrass
Cheryl Noonan
Dean Nottle
Louis Nowra
Julianne O'Brien
Terry O'Neill
Colin Orchard
Merfyn Owen
Nicholas Papademetriou
Michael Pearce
Nicki Pistikais
Jean Racine
Thérèse Radic
Ian Scott
Marko Semic
William Shakespeare
Leisa Shelton
Danny Simpson
Mary Sitarenos
Jill Smith
Mark Stockly
Greg Sully
Karen Trott
Richard Vabre
Nick Verso
Terrie Waddell
Jacki Weaver
Denise Wharmby
Ross Williams
Jethro Woodward
Andrew Zenz
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