Assistant Stage Manager, Mechanist
Assistant Stage Manager 2003
Mechanist 2002
Mechanist 1999
Assistant Stage Manager 1998
Assistant Stage Manager 1997
Michael Kantor
Worked with on Babes in the Wood (2003) and 1 other
Philip Lethlean
Worked with on Rising Fish Prayer and 1 other
Armando Licul
Natasha Marich
Ben Rogan
Worked with on The Dogs Play and A Few Roos Loose in the Top Paddock and 1 other
Tom Wright
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo)
Bryony Anderson
Worked with on Love Suicides
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on Rising Fish Prayer
David Bell
Worked with on The Dogs Play and A Few Roos Loose in the Top Paddock
John Bode
Worked with on Natural Life
Drasko Boljevic
Worked with on Babes in the Wood (2003)
Humphrey Bower
Theo Burns
Shaun Charles
David Chesworth
Dan Cowles
Caroline Craig
Joanne Curry
Jim Daly
Ross Daniels
Kate Denborough
Richard Dinnen
Steve Douglas-Craig
Diana Emry
Wesley Enoch
Julie Forsyth
Louise Fox
David Franzke
Fiona de Garis
Max Gillies
Sunchana Gogic
Iain Grandage
Francis Greenslade
Robert Grubb
Xenia Hanusiak
Jane Harrison
Tracy Harvey
Sophie Heathcote
John Hunt
Angus Ibbot
Asako Izawa
Paul Jackson
Richard Jeziorny
Melita Jurisic
Dobi Kidu
Tomek Koman
Tyrone Landau
Robert Lehrer
Al Martinez
Rob Matson
Adam May
Lisa Maza
Blaise McFarlane
Aubrey Mellor
Nicol Morrow
Deb Munn
David Murray
Bruce Myles
Peter Neville
Caitlin Newton-Broad
Satsuki Odamura
Miki Oikawa
Tee O'Neill
Trina Parker
LeRoy Parsons
Eddie Perfect
Nicole Plester
Matthew Quartermaine
Richard Roberts
David Roberts
John Romeril
Ross Ryan
Leon Salom
Matt Scott
Ian Scott
Jill Smith
Kilori Susuve
Lucy Taylor
Norman Toru
Anna Tregloan
Jo Turner
Yumi Umiumare
Elly Varrenti
James Verdon
Darrin Verhagen
Katie Walker
Pauline Whyman
Peter J Wilson
Simon Wilton
Stan Yarramunua
Ursula Yovich
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