
Production still for "Chidley". L-R: Robert Hewett, Carrillo Gantner. Photographer: David Parker


By Alma De Groen

15 December 1976 – 16 January 1977 Grant Street Theatre

Hoopla Theatre Foundation,

Theatre - Spoken Word Historical

A play by Alma De Groen about William James Chidley, an Australian philosopher whose radical ideas about diet, dress, and sexuality led to him being hounded to death in 1916.

Hoopla's publicity for their inaugural production explained:

Chidley was a prophet and martyr to ideas about sexuality and violence, ideas still considered radical today.

Persecuted by the authorities he was an early example of victimisation by censorship, incarceration - being unjustly certified insane.

The lessons for today are plain - can Australia tolerate eccentricity? or even free thinking? Must individuality be repressed in the name of social order?

Production still for "Chidley". L-R: Carol Burns, Robert Hewett. Photographer: David Parker
Production still for "Chidley". Peter Cummins as Chidley, Graeme Blundell as Walt. Photographer: David Parker

Production still for "Chidley". L-R: Carol Burns, Robert Hewett. Photographer: David Parker

Production still for "Chidley". Peter Cummins as Chidley, Graeme Blundell as Walt. Photographer: David Parker


Alma De Groen


Peter Corrigan

Peter Corrigan


John Beckett

John Beckett

Lighting Designer

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

Musical Arranger

Alan Ingram

Stage Manager

Production Program

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