Assistant Stage Manager, Stage Manager, Production Manager
Assistant Stage Manager 2009
Production Manager, Production Manager 2009
Stage Manager 2008
Amanda Bishop
Worked with on Optimism
Claire Bourke
Tom Brayshaw
Worked with on Blue Love
Stewart Campbell
Worked with on I Love You Bro
Adam Cass
Angela Cole
Caroline Craig
Ash Flanders
Luke George
Sarah Giles
Russell Goldsmith
Iain Grandage
Francis Greenslade
Paul Jackson
Michael Kantor
Jason Lehane
Amber McMahon
Hamish Michael
Veronica Neave
Barry Otto
Ryan Paine
Shaun Parker
Perry Smith
Melanie Stanton
Jo Stone
Anna Tregloan
Yvonne Virsik
Francois Voltaire
Alison Whyte
Nick Wollan
Frank Wood
David Woods
Tom Wright
Dylan Young
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