Lighting Designer
Lighting Designer 2005
Lighting Designer 2004
Lighting Designer 2003
Lighting Designer 2002
Lighting Designer 2001
Lighting Designer 2000
Lighting Designer 1999
Lighting Designer 1998
Lighting Designer 1997
Lighting Designer 1996
Lighting Designer 1995
Lighting Designer 1994
Lighting Designer 1993
Lighting Designer 1992
Lighting Designer 1991
Lighting Designer 1990
Jill Smith
Worked with on Half and Half and 6 others
Ariette Taylor
J. David Franzke
Worked with on Yanagai! Yanagai! and 5 others
Greg Clarke
Worked with on Violet Inc and 4 others
Mandy McElhinney
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Honour and 4 others
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Yanagai! Yanagai! and 3 others
Robert Morgan
Worked with on Chilling and Killing My Annabel Lee and 3 others
Ken Radley
Worked with on Violet Inc and 3 others
Fiona Todd
Kevin de Zilva
Worked with on Ruby Moon (2004 - Tour) and 3 others
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust and 2 others
Matt Cameron
Worked with on Ruby Moon (2004 - Tour) and 2 others
Aidan Fennessy
Sunchana Gogic
Worked with on Minefields and Miniskirts (2004) and 2 others
Russell Goldsmith
Patricia Kennedy
Aubrey Mellor
Worked with on Nowhere and 2 others
Margaret Mills
Worked with on Violet Inc and 2 others
James Wardlaw
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on Rising Fish Prayer and 1 other
Robyn Arthur
Worked with on Minefields and Miniskirts (2005 tour) and 1 other
Jane Bayly
Worked with on The Newspaper of Claremont Street (1992 - Tour) and 1 other
Alan Becher
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Burning Time and 1 other
Tony Briggs
Worked with on Yanagai! Yanagai! and 1 other
David Britton
David Chesworth
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust and 1 other
Adrienne Chisholm
Rod Davies
Marion Edward
Amanda Fairbanks
Worked with on Ruby Moon (2004 - Tour) and 1 other
Robert Grubb
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Tom Healey
Worked with on Violet Inc and 1 other
Natasha Herbert
Worked with on Honour and 1 other
Peter Houghton
Nick Ilton
Richard Jeziorny
Worked with on Love Suicides and 1 other
Elizabeth Jolley
Sue Jones
Noel Jordan
Worked with on Baby X and 1 other
Armando Licul
Worked with on Chilling and Killing My Annabel Lee and 1 other
Tracy Mann
Sandra Matlock
Andrew McNaughton
Robert Menzies
Worked with on Half and Half and 1 other
Ken Moffat
Deb Munn
Ross Murray
Joanna Murray-Smith
Tiffany Noack
Terence O'Connell
Trina Parker
Nicole Plester
Catherine Raven
Alana Scanlan
Mary Sitarenos
Christina Smith
Wendy Stapleton
Darrin Verhagen
Mark Wager
David Adamson
Worked with on Yanagai! Yanagai!
Adrian Aderhold
Worked with on Ruby Moon (2004 - Tour)
Bryony Anderson
Worked with on Love Suicides
Bryan Andy
Amanda Banks
Tracy Bartram
Worked with on Minefields and Miniskirts (2004)
John Beckett
Worked with on Love Child
Melanie Beddie
Worked with on Violet Inc
Lou Bennett
Samantha Bews
Worked with on So Wet
Nancy Black
Julia Blake
Worked with on Honour
Heather Bolton
Alyson Brown
Worked with on Nowhere
Theo Burns
Worked with on Rising Fish Prayer
Jessica Burns
Debra Byrne
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on Like a Metaphor
Shaun Charles
Paul Charlier
Worked with on Chilling and Killing My Annabel Lee
Marco Chiappi
Hugh Colman
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust
Vince Colosimo
Worked with on Burning Time
Patricia Cornelius
Jim Cotter
Peter Crosbie
Peter Cummins
Jon Davey
Gail Davidson
Worked with on Sabat Jesus
Campion Decent
Worked with on Baby X
Luke Devenish
Ian Dixon
Ben Fennessy
Dale Ferguson
Jack Finsterer
Nicholas Flanagan
Nigel Frayne
Jan Friedl
Jess Frost
Jodi Gallagher
Worked with on Elegy
Fiona de Garis
Vivienne Garrett
Katrina Gaskell
Diane Gavelis
Worked with on Ruby Moon (2003)
William Gluth
Iain Grandage
Francis Greenslade
John Gregg
Shaun Gurton
Xenia Hanusiak
Sophie Heathcote
Drusilla Hendry
Dorothy Hewett
Wayne Hope
John Hunt
Angus Ibbot
Sue Ingleton
Asako Izawa
Andrea James
Melita Jurisic
Kristin Keam
Worked with on Minefields and Miniskirts (2005 tour)
Daniel Keene
Worked with on Half and Half
Dobi Kidu
Russell Kiefel
Sarah Kriegler
Peter Lawler
Pamela Leversha
Gabrielle Macdonald
Robert van Mackelenberg
Al Martinez
Rob Matson
Adam May
Lisa Maza
Belinda McClory
Siobhan McHugh
Marina Milankovic
Phillip Millar
Leigh Morgan
Bruce Myles
Peter Neville
Hartley Newnham
Emma O'Brien
Satsuki Odamura
Miki Oikawa
Christen O'Leary
Janine Pfeifer
Tim Prince
Leah Purcell
Damien Richardson
Richard Roberts
Malcolm Robertson
Nicholas Robson
John Romeril
Ross Ryan
Osman Salih
Christopher Schlusser
Scott Snowden
Chung-wai Soong
Dan Spielman
Warwick Stengards
Greg Stone
Fleur Summers
Kilori Susuve
Rebe Taylor
Mark Thompson
Norman Toru
David Tredinnick
Tania Trusler
Yumi Umiumare
Elly Varrenti
Gabby Walters
Peter J Wilson
Simon Wilton
Anne Wood
Gareth Yuen
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